𝑇𝑤𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑦 | 20

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Theodore awoke to Duke licking his face and Onyx standing over him as he slept as if he was not scary enough in snake form. Now the creature stood there mostly in the morning watching him and Mabel sleep. The only problem this morning was his beloved was missing. Making Theodore quickly stand and not think of the fact he was bare searching the room.

"Onyx where is she?!"

"I do not know, Sire. Mabel does know how to block me out when she feels like it and she does it quite a lot. I can tell thee she left before sunrise. Normal she will go to the field by the spring. Now I could not tell thee." He said making Theodore reach for his clothes quickly dressing himself.

Mabel knew she could not be alone. It was not safe when the Queen wanted her dead. Although it had been a week since they wed Queen Evelyn was still plotting to end his missus and Theodore was not about to let that happen. Her being alone was the worst thing he could think of, and she was with child.

"Prince where are you off to?! Have you forgotten you are a married gentleman now!" Linus called out.

"No, Mabel is missing. Hav you seen or talked to Sir George? He may know where she may be... I think I know where she is, but I am hoping no one saw her leave!" He spoke as he was stopped by his older brother with a smile. "What??!"

"Thy wife is a witch, no?" Linus spoke as Theodore slowly nodded. His brother smiled again touching his shoulders. "Then she will go back to her roots. Hazel does it all the time. You want I to ride with thee down to the spring?" He asked causing Theodore to look into his eyes confused.


"Father had me follow you. I knew about Mabel before thee. I ran across the young witch a time or two and made sure no one ventured out towards the spring. I also saw the two of you the first morning you met but allowed George to find thee. I was hoping the poor sap would see his daughter. I am older than thee so I know more than you may think." Linus said causing Theodore to laugh.

"So, you knew Mabel's mother?"

"Yes, but I was too young to remember everything. I know she and my mother were close almost like sisters. I remember when the Queen killed my mother, she helped His Majesty care for I. So did Grandmother Rose and Queen Mother. As you know Queen Evelyn looks down on... what is the word for it? Ah, half breeds as she calls me. Dirt and clean should not be mixed together." He said making Theodore stop as she mounted his house.

"I am starting to see why Father kept me in his clutches as a young boy. He wanted me to be a great King someday. I do not understand what is it that mother sees. Everyone cannot be the same. Our colors are what makes us different from one another, and when I see you brother I do not see that thy skin is different. I see my older brother, Mabel is no different. With her, I see the woman I love and lone for. Her Majesty will not win this war because she has already lost." Theodore stated.

"I like the sound of that brother. Hazel tells me that she touched Mabel's stomach yesterday but think you and she knew this already. Was it the reason Father rushed your betrothed? Oh, she senses a daughter in thy future." He laughed as Theodore glared over at him. Linus thought he was getting under his skin, but he could care less what his child was.

"You think all kings aim for sons? I would love to see how it would be raising a daughter and unlike Father and my mother. Mabel and I will have more...."

"I am sensing anger, My Prince? Are you mad that I am the eldest?" Linus let out a hearty laugh before Theodore came to a hard stop. The field beyond the spring were all burnt, and he could hear the cries of a woman deep within them.

"Linus you will have to stay here. Mabel as a protective barrier beyond this point...."

"I do not think anything is protected here any longer. I am coming with thee.... Who would do this? Did the Queen know of her lands?!" He yelled as they rode through the burnt wood. Theodore yelled no while he tried to pen point Mabel's cries. It sounded as if she was hurt or being hurt.

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