𝑇𝑤𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑦-𝑆𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑛 | 27

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Every day the queen was in Mabel and Theodore's chambers. Mabel was not dumb she knew she was there for two reasons to keep Ruth away and for her child. Well, there were more but she was not going to say because those were obvious. Evelyn wanted her dead and she thought acting as if she was there caring for her grandchild would help.

It did not all she was doing was driving Mabel up the wall. Trying to force her to name her child something that she did not like. Dressing her in only the clothing she would pick and trying to tell her how and when she should feed her child. Evelyn was acting as if she was her and Theodore's child and Mabel was just the caretaker. If one would ask Mabel, she would say the queen saw herself as a perfect fit for her own son.

She could also tell that Theodore was growing tired of his mother as well. He already hated living in the castle with her nagging about how he should not be married to a witch. Now she had been in their chambers every single waking day for the last month. Cussing and fussing about how the king had announced that Mabel was his wife and the announcement about their child. Everyone in the kingdom was excited but Evelyn. Every chance she got was screaming that Mabel was a witch.

None of the folks pay it no mind and it was killing the poor woman to her bloody core. Although there was a reason for that and King Roland had banished the law that wrong witches. If anyone was caught punishing one without a proper trial would be hung. Really what he did was place witches in the category with normal people.  It was the best thing Roland could have done now no witch could be hung, drown, or beheaded without proper cause.

Still, it did not stop Evelyn just as today she was out in town with Mabel and the prince. The queen decided that she wanted to come to visit the soup kitchen with them. There she took the liberty to tell everyone that Mabel was a witch and had hexed their food. Ruth made her pay for it as she started to scream something only Evelyn could hear bringing the woman to her knees until Mabel stopped her.

"I am not going to continue doing this Queen Evelyn!"

"WHO IN THE BLOODY HELL ARE THEE YELLING AT?!" Evelyn screamed as they stepped out of the carriage back at the castle. All of this was getting quite old and all she wanted to do was ruin Mabel.

"Why must you tell them I hexed their serving? I have told thee I am not a dark witch!"

"I should take my dagger to that neck. Be glad that my darling Eleanor still needs thy milk...."

"That is not her name! Josephine... her name is Josephine!" Mabel yelled as she started to feel her magic boil in her core. Theodore finally stepped out of the carriage placing a gentle hand on her shoulder as he pulled her back to her.

"Mother, are you trying to injure thyself? Thee know no matter what you provoke Duchess Mabel to do the king and I are on her side. Remember she is the only reason thee gets to see her grandchild and the only reason Ruth stays away during the day. Although if it was left up to I, you would be dead." Theodore smiled walking by her before stopping.

"And our daughter's name is Josephine. It would please me a lot if you stop calling her that horrid name. I would never call my child something so similar to Evelyn." He said pulling Mabel along once more.

"Make sure to come to Father's announcement later. I am sure thee would love it!"

Evelyn was on pins and needles thinking about what the king was announcing that was so bloody important that he called for another ball

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Evelyn was on pins and needles thinking about what the king was announcing that was so bloody important that he called for another ball. He had already announced the birth of his granddaughter. So, Evelyn knew that could not be it. The kingdom knew of Mabel and Theodore's union which she hated so. Also, the fact everyone ignore what she was telling them about the witch.

Maybe Roland was just in a good mood. She knew it was that time of the year when he loved to throw balls plus season was just a mere week away. A whole year had passed, and it only felt like days. Then it was surprising to see Lady Winifred back in their courts. She to was married and was with child. The queen was sure it had to be Theodore's. Something that she needed to seek out and see, which was why she had her come to the room where she and Mabel were at.

"I don't like thee, but I need you to use thy magic to make sure that Winifred's baby does not belong to thy husband." Evelyn said making Mabel glare over at the woman. She just nodded and continued to feed the little one in her arms as Penelope and Winifred walked in.

"It is not. Now you may take thy leave, Lady Winifred." Mabel said making Winifred look confused as she left. "Queen, how is a child that is still in their mother's womb my husband? Lady Winifred tricked Prince Theodore months before I became with child. Her child would be older, not younger than Josephine. You called I in here for that. Shame on thee... I am sure the king and prince are waiting for us." She said standing and leaving without Evelyn. The queen had to hurry and catch up with the short-figured girl. All at the same time trying to remove her grandchild from her arms.

"Queen you act as if that is thy child. I thought you were against my daughter having thy son's child now you are acting as if she cannot care for her. Let her and Theodore be and stop acting as if Josephine is yours." Sir George spoke stepping in between her and Mabel as he allowed her to walk ahead into the ballroom before Evelyn.

"You do not tell me what to do George. Now out my way kind sir and know thy place! Just because you are the Duchess as all of you call her father does not mean a bloody thing!" Evelyn said stepping around the men into the ballroom. Everyone look at her with a frown and then back to the who was making a speech at the front of the room.

Apparently, something that she must have been late for. Quickly she took her spot beside the king as Ruth started to laugh into her ear. She was mumbling something repeatedly, something that the queen could not understand. It was giving her a headache and causing the room to spin. Mabel saw this and as always the little wretch touched her to stop it. Why was she always so bloody nice? When the queen was only set out to harm her? Something Evelyn could never understand herself.

"King Roland we have waited long enough. What is the big announcement that thee must tell the kingdom and thy allies?" One of the other royals asked. Roland smiled brightly turning to Evelyn and taking her hand just for a show before turning back to the people.

"I have served my kingdom since the mere age of one and six (16). Everyone in the kingdom knows how I came into power, but I will not do the same thing that my father did. I refuse to wait until then to give my son the title that he well deserves. I see what my people want, and they are loving the kind and gentle Prince Theodore and his missus Duchess Mabel. Maybe they are what our kingdom needs now....."

"HAV YOU LOST THY MIND?! IS THIS IS WHAT THIS IS FOR YOU ARE MAKING PRINCE THEODORE AND... AND THIS WITCH KING AND QUEEN! I WILL NOT LET THEE!" Evelyn yelled cutting off the king during his speech. Slowly he turned to her with an unreadable look then back to the crowd.

"Queen Evelyn thee must have forgotten that I am the king. That I make the decision and thee just follows... Now I have done all I can for my kingdom and country. It is time for my son Prince Theodore and his wife Queen Mabel to show you what they can do. To the people of England, I present you with your new King and Queen. King Theodore and Queen Mabel!" Roland said as the only thing Evelyn heard was her heart beating wildly. She could not think straight nor see as the next thing she knew her blade was at Mabel's neck.

"SHE IS TRYING TO KILL THE QUEEN!" Someone yelled as every sword in the room including the new kings and Roland's was at her neck. Evelyn didn't know what happened only that she was sitting in the dungeon.

 Evelyn didn't know what happened only that she was sitting in the dungeon

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