Chapter 2: Rumors

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It was almost dusk when you were done arranging the current plans of the peace talk about the Shogunate and the Resistance, you then head directly to Chinju Forest to where Sayu was said to be waiting for you.

Once you're there, you looked around and it appears that Sayu isn't even there yet, which made you start questioning yourself.

"Am I late? Or am I early?"

Due to the unique appearance of the Chinju Forest for what they are called the 'eternal night', you can't clearly see the skies, clouds, sun nor moon once you're inside that forest.

"No, I couldn't possibly be late since I always arrived early before the actual time."

At that moment, you then heard some fast, approaching movements coming from beside you.

Although, you just calmly stood there and waited for a moment to know whose the person making that noise, and there you saw Sayu rolling her body using a ninjutsu art.

She then stops on her tracks and quickly hides behind you, tugging the bottom of your elegant white cloak kimono.

You just stared at her current actions before patting her head beside you.

"Is something the matter, Sayu? Moreover... Could you please tell me what are we going to discuss about?" You asked.

"Miss Y/n, please help me. The shrine maiden who is in charge of me keeps interrupting me from my nap, and she also keeps telling me to practice my ninjutsu."

You now realized on why she wanted to talk to you yesterday and heave sigh.

"I see... So you've told Thoma that you wanted to see me because that shrine maiden by the name 'Kano Nana' caught you slacking off?"

"I'm not slacking off, Miss Y/n, it's just that...*yawn* sleeping is the best way to make me grow taller..."

You were about to reply to her when you heard another footsteps coming towards the both of you.

"Oh no! She's coming! Please help me Miss Y/n!"

You pondered for a moment until an idea comes up from your mind.

"Okay, I'll help you only for today, but you must also promise me to train and practice your ninjutsu when she's gon-"

"No, no, you're going to get me to practice also! if I don't sleep, I will never grow taller." She frantically cut you off which made you chuckle a bit.

"I haven't even finish my sentence yet, Sayu. I was saying that when she's gone, I'm going to help you with your ninjutsu. After that, we'll be taking a short rest and play a game."

"A game? She didn't even let me have a short rest nor play a game with me after she's forcing me to work... Alright then Miss Y/n, it's a promise."

You genuinely smiled in response while the upcoming footsteps finally stops, revealing the shrine maiden.

She was quite surprised when she saw your piercing E/c eyes and her little trouble maker behind you.

"M-Miss Kamisato... Do excuse me but may I ask if you could hand over that child who's currently hiding from behind you?" The shrine maiden requested.

"Kano Nana... You are tasked to look after this ninja by the Yashiro Commission, correct?"

"...Yes, I'm terribly sorry if she had causes some trouble for you on the way here Miss Kamisato."

You folded your arms.

"No, no, it's alright. She didn't cause me any trouble while I'm here. In fact, I would like to borrow her for a bit, if that's okay with you?"

Your words seemed to lit her face up 'cause you knew that she can now enjoy the rest of her day reading some light novels.

Actually, you're the one who assigned her with the task to looked after this little ninja who likes to slack off, why? Because Kano Nana herself prefers reading novels over fulfilling her duties as a shrine maiden.

This was also because the Yashiro Commission is in charge of the religious and ceremonial affairs as well as other cultural matters in Inazuma.

Therefore, the shrine maidens of the Grand Narukami Shrine must also follow the orders of the Yashiro Commission. Although, she really never knew that it was you who assigned her with this sort of task.

"Are you sure Miss Kamisato? I mean- you still have some work left to do as being part of the Kamisato Clan and the Yashiro Commission, right?"

You then shook your head.

"None, at this moment."

"...Is that so? Well then, I must go to Inazuma City and visit the Yae Publishing House, and after that, I'll be going back to the shrine and ask Lady Yae for the latest novels."

Your gaze were now focused on hers while placing your hand on your chin.

"The latest novels, you say?"

She beamed brightly.

"Yeah! But it's not just the 'latest' novel! It's the draft of a yet-to-be-published work!"

"Ever since Lady Yae learned that I am a novel enthusiast, she would often offer me the drafts of Yae Publishing House novels to read."

"Since you're kind enough for you to help me today... Let me tell you a secret."

"When Lady Yae is acting as the boss of Yae Publishing House, she behaves very differently than she does as the Guuji."

"She's actually really kind and often asks me about my thoughts on these new novels. Hehe, if my silly comments can help her out, that's nice then."

'So the Guuji of the Grand Narukami Shrine had two sides of her own personalities... Interesting...' You thought to yourself before looking back at the shrine maiden.

"I see... Thank you for sharing this information to me, Kano Nana."

The shrine maiden nodded and smiled towards you before making her way towards Inazuma City.

"So, Miss Kamisato... When do we start the game?"

You then looked at Sayu as she was now right in front of you.

"Like I said before, we'll be playing a game after you're done with your training. Have you already forgotten your promise to me?"


"Don't worry, Sayu, because this time, you'll be practicing your Anemo Vision with me."

"Oh, I think I remember... You also have a Vision as well, right? What was it again?" She asked.

"Well, mine was also an Anemo Vision." You answered.

"So, it's the perfect way for me to help and teach you to master your own Vision."

She nodded enthusiastically and summoned her claymore while you also summoned your sword and grinned at her.

"Well then... Lesson one starts now."


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