Chapter 5: Blinded By The Wind

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You finally got out from the tub and changed to your new outfit and placed your shoulder armor to your left side- just like your brother which is on the right side. You didn't follow the ones that your sister have which is the leg armor, since you go out that much in the estate handling the public order and it can be political affair sometimes.

There was always chaos every time you got there, so you'd decided of instead of wearing dresses like your sister, you'd task them to make some elegant white kimono so it's suited you from the situations you're always in and more easy for you to move when battling your brother.

You pulled up your sleeves, grab your sword and quickly head out to see the people who are waiting for you in the hall of the estate.


When you opened the door, you were greeted with three familiar figures in front of you. The one you were eager to see the most turned his attention to you and softly smiled.

"Y/n, it's always nice see you and Ayaka in a good health."

You took a seat facing him across the table as there were already a chess board placed in front of you as he then moved his bishop to an empty square after his pawn.

"Brother, welcome back safely. I recently heard that you don't have that much duties to do today, correct?"

"...Indeed, I can say that goes well for you too?"

You nodded as you pushes a pawn next to her queen and he took your pawn with his knight.

"So have you already decided on what will be the punishment for the loser, brother?"

"Punishment?" Ayaka and Thoma asked in unison.

"Milord, milady, please excuse me, but what are you two talking about?" Thoma asked again, scratching the back of his head.

"Oh? I thought you had already told them, Y/n." Your brother said.

"Hmm? Well... You're the older one, perhaps you should tell them about the duel's punishment, brother."

You then breached his defensive line with your queen, but he block you with his knight.

"Since Thoma was feeling unwell in the past few weeks, and no one was doing his heavy chores, me and Y/n decided to let one of us do his chores on his behalf. In addition to that is to see if training my younger sister in her martial art was worth it."

You nodded in agreement as Ayaka and Thoma were surprised from your brother's words.

"Wait, so all that serious battle that had been discontinued a week prior was just for my daily chores? Milady, milord, both of you don't need to worry since I'm better now, and doing chores always makes me happy." Thoma exclaimed as Ayaka just stayed silent while your brother speak to him.

"This had already been decided, Thoma. Please, do not interfere us with our decision. That goes for you too, Ayaka. To make the both of you a little relief, this punishment will only end in one week. So you can let yourself relax within that week, Thoma."

"...So, when do you two plan having that duel started?" Your sister asked but before your brother can respond, you move your queen again and grinned towards him.


He smiled and then stands up before replying to your sister.

"The duel starts now."





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