Chapter 4: Apology From Desire (18+)

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A few days had passed since you last saw that unique fox roaming inside that forest, and today, you just received a news from your sister that your big brother, Ayato is coming home from his duties.

You were looking forward to see him especially the duel you once discontinued a week ago. So with this thought in mind, you decided to visit the Grand Narukami Shrine to draw a fortune slip early in the morning.

You take the route in the Chinju Forest, hoping to find that fox that you once saw a few days back, but sadly, you haven't see it around the forest anymore.

You even predicted that due to the unique appearance of that fox, it cannot stay in that forest for too long. So you just sighed and continued your way up to the shrine.


When you'd arrived, the scent of the sakura petals filled your nose as you continued to where the fortune slip is located and noticed that it was still close.

You looked around and realized that the shrine maidens hasn't even arrive yet and started on questioning yourself if you were too early heading here in the shrine before looking at the Sacred Sakura.

At that moment, you heard some faint footsteps coming from behind you and decided to turned around as you were then met with a lady who have purple eyes and long, muted pink hair that is tied at the bottom.

When both of your eyes met, her same smile turned into a smirk while crossing both of her arms and speaks to you in a way you didn't even know that the side of hers had existed.

"Why if it isn't Kamisato Y/n. If I may, can I ask what are you doing here early in the shrine? Perhaps you had just come to see me?~"

"Lady Guuji... What a pleasant way for you to greet me like that, but no, I only came here for the fortune slip."

"Since it's closed due to my early arrival, maybe I'll come back here some other time. So, I must take my leave now."

She couldn't help but to chuckle at your statement before walking towards you then placed her hand on top of your shoulder and lowly whispered behind your ear.

"Now, now, you didn't need to make up some dull excuses to leave because you saw me here, this is truly a rare sight to see you here in the shrine, so why don't we have a little chat and drink some morning tea while you wait for the shrine maiden whose incharge in the fortune slip, hmm?"

You couldn't help but to gently grab her hand and slowly pulled it away off your shoulder before giving her your answer.

Due to your action, you can feel that her hand was now starting to stroke your palm and fingers seductively but you just ignored it and reply to her question.

"You know that I'm a busy person, Lady Guuji. And I know that you're one as well, but since I wanted to know my luck for today because of my brother, I'll kindly accept your offer. Moreover... Can I ask you to please stop stroking my hand with yours?"

"...Oh? How considerate of you to accept my invitation, Kamisato Y/n. Now follow me, we'll be having our tea there, and I don't want my guest to fill the coldness here outside." She gestures for you to follow and completely ignored your last question before intertwining her hand with yours.

She was now leading- or rather dragging you all the way to that certain room but you didn't complain since you were busy looking at your hands entangled together.

'Isn't she a mysterious one...' You thought and continued to follow her.


You were currently sitting inside a certain room or as you had already guessed earlier that this was her bedroom. It's filled with sakura scent as the both of you took an opposite seat, facing each other along with the tea that's now placed on the table.

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