Chapter 20: Commanding History

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At the end of the month, you go to the Grand Narukami Shrine not as some rebel who wanted to oppose the Decree but as you- the youngest sibling of the Kamisato Clan.

You discussed every detail of the event that had happened from the past few weeks with Yae Miko under the Sacred Sakura. It was an early morning- too early in fact hence the shrine maidens haven't arrive yet.

You're currently laying your head on Yae's lap while closing your eyes as both of your hands were intertwined with each other that's been resting near your chest.


"Hmm? Were you perhaps feeling any discomfort right now?"

You quietly chuckled, "No, not all. I was actually going to ask you about the two decrees that had been declared by Her Eternal Excellency, the Almighty Shogun."

"Do you know something about it before it even got announced? Did she discussed it with you?"

"Oh? Curious are we? Well, I was a bit shocked myself especially when 'she' never said any goodbye to me before isolating herself."

"Perhaps, it's just my wishful thinking, but I think she did this deliberately, as her way of keeping our friendship."

"By neither saying goodbye nor seeing me again, our relationship will remain forever how it was... In her mind at least."

You opened your eyes and looked at Yae confusingly.

"Miko, what do you mean..? I thought that Her Eternal Excellency allowed you to enter Tenshukaku whenever you please. Furthermore, the Almighty Shogun even let herself out from time to time- not by attending some governmental affairs but like visiting Inazuma City for a walk."

"The people of Inazuma was quite startled by her sudden visit and this is just my opinion but the first time I've met her in some ceremonial affairs, her face was so expressionless but after the crises had ended, I saw her taking a walk towards the Kanjou Commission estate and noticed that her expression have changed into a child that's full of curiosity around her surroundings."

Yae then met your gaze.

"Oh? When... Was this? Did you noticed that scenario from your timeline? If so, then perhaps you've already met her?"

"Um, pardon? You mean the Almighty Shogun? Yes, like I said, I-"

"I'm not talking about 'that' Shogun, I mean... Her. You've met her, yes?"

You were quite lost for words on what she was implying about until you've realized the segments that The Doctor created to himself by studying the no.6 of the Fatui Harbinger, The Balladeer.

You'd remembered that you've read something in the old letter about the involvement of a Kabukimono- or rather the involvement of The Balladeer in the Mikage Furnace. However, it's been centuries since that incident had occurred, that's why you've come into conclusion that The Balladeer is a prototype puppet.

Though such powerful being was created from the past, then perhaps someone who's also powerful enough tried to create such thing. Someone whose power are similar to a god- or was it really a god that created that being in the first place? If so, then it's more likely that they created another puppet that's similar to their own identity.

"I think I understand what you're trying to say now, Miko. I haven't really thought about this back in my timeline, but could it be that the one governing our nation right now is just a puppet that had been created by the Almighty Shogun?"

Yae closed her eyes in amusement as though you've hit the jackpot.

"Oh my, you've catched on quickly than I thought. Hmm~ as expected from you."

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