Chapter 8: Answering Eternity

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Time passes by in a blur and when you looked up through the window, the sun was now starting to set and realized that it's already dawn at this point.

Firstly, you arranged the files properly to where they are put before and leave no traces that you came inside the room to gather some details and information that's somehow connected towards the sealed letter.

After you got out, you quickly went back to your room and then instructed the maidens to prepare yourself a hot bath since you'll be attending an important matter at hand.


"Y/n, you're dressed neatly than before. Are you going somewhere essential today?"

"Hmm? Oh, sister, it's you. Yes, I'll be going to Inazuma City today and meet with some certain people. I don't know what time I'll be coming home though..."

"I see... Take care of yourself."

"I will."


You don't know why, but your heart keeps pounding ever since you set foot inside Tenshukaku. Was it because that you came here without your brother nor your sister's approval? Or was it the fact that this is your first time to have a proper conversation with the Raiden Shogun herself? Mostly, you just saw her in some ceremonial affairs and leave without ever had the chance to talk to her but you guess that this opportunity will change it all.

"...Huh? A teenager? Wait, that logo... Are you Kamisato Y/n by any chance? Commissioner Ayato's youngest sibling?"

You took a side glance at the man who's standing beside you and you're certain that he's the Tenryou Commissioner while the woman behind him was the one who's currently incharge in the Kanjou Commission.

You slowly approached them and gave them a welcoming smile.

"Greetings, you must be Commissioner Kojou Kamaji and Commissioner Hiiragi Chisato. A pleasure to be working with you today."

"And to answer your question... Yes, I'm-"

"Ah, it seems that the three in each representative of the Tri-commission are now here. I assume that the three of you had already- hmm?"

A chill suddenly run down your spine as the Archon of Inazuma has her eyes locked on you and felt that she's quite observing you from head to toe, so you immediately kneeled down on one knee and introduce yourself to her.

"Pardon me for not directly introducing myself to you, your eternal excellency but I'm Kamisato Y/n, Commissioner Ayato and Ayaka's youngest sibling."

"I owe you an apology for reading your letter that was meant for my brother but sadly, he didn't come home yet from his other duties that he took as he'll be returning home a day prior now so he'll eventually miss this meeting that you held."

"Likewise, my sister was also busy dealing with the internal affairs of our clan so I came here as a representative to honor my clan."

"Though, I am the youngest here, please let it not be an excuse that I cannot attend this governmental affairs that you'll be discussing along with them, since I too have my own perspective on this matter."

"So, I'm requesting for your approval, your eternal excellency, to allow me to join and discuss this issue at hand."

The other two Commissioners just stayed silent, waiting for the Raiden Shogun's response from your request.

"Well, well, and what do we have here?~"

As you continued to kneel down in front of her, another voice echoes inside the room as you didn't dare to turn around and face that person.


"Miko, I'm glad you're now here. Now, I want your insights about this situation." The Shogun stated.

"Oh?~ Well, if you ask me, Y/n here has a lot of potential already given at her age like that. Though she may look young, her knowledge about history, culture, politics and swordsmanship are something to admire about."

"Huh, that's right. And isn't it Ms. Kamisato who was given the title of Inazuma's master of disguise?" Hiiragi Chisato asks.

"...And there you have it. So aren't these enough to persuade you about letting her join in this meeting, hmm?~" The fox envoy locked eyes with the Shogun with a smirk appearing on her face.

The Shogun hummed in response as she signal her hand for you to stand up.

"Okay then, now, back to the topic at hand, why don't you four take a seat and we'll discuss this issue after that?"

You nodded, "Thank you, your Eternal Excellency."

After that, the Raiden Shogun guided the two Commissioners towards another room while you are left with that sly pink fox. Once they're footsteps and voice are now fading, Yae Miko walks towards you and lifted your chin.

"Ignoring me, are we?"

"...That was just called bluffing." You answered simply.

"Hmm~ You're in big trouble if they knew that you came here by your own will, especially when your own brother and sister aren't notified on what you're actually doing right now."

"Lastly, saving yourself back there wasn't free and you still need to make it up for me especially from the actions that you recklessly made, Y/n, so..."

She slowly leaned on your shoulder while resting her hand near your chest, you got chills in your spine as her hot breath enveloped your back and neck.

"...I hope you're prepared for your own punishment."

She then licked the side of your neck before taking a step back and went ahead of you, while you were there feeling dazed and confused.

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