Chapter 17: Sins At The Mountain (18+)

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Her words. Yae's sudden declaration of her words sent shivers down to your spine. She knows- she knows a secret that no one knew if it's even possible. Was it obvious? Did you make it obvious for her? No, that wasn't the reason at all.

The real reason was...

"My, my, did that hit a nerve?~"

She placed her mouth between your shoulder blades and for a second, you almost lost yourself.

"How did you... Was my facade weren't enough to hide my own secret?"

"Oh? Why certainly not. My intuition was just correct. No wonder your aura felt so familiar to me back then even if we didn't properly interact with one another."

"Wait, that means..."

...She already knew the moment you crossed paths with each other at Inazuma City.

You stayed silent while standing still on your place, thinking what would have happened from now on since her instinct were so accurate about you.

"Now then..."


Your thoughts were then interrupted when she pressed herself more onto your back. Her slender hands moves slowly from your arm down to your fingers as she took the supplies away from you and slowly dropped it to the ground.

After that, she gently turns your body around before grabbing your wrist and pinned you on the door- your face now facing hers.

"Shall we continue?~"

You were about to respond to her question but you hold it from within and averted your gaze away from hers.

"I... Can't."

Yae squinted her eyes and then grabs you by the chin to forcedly look at her alluring gaze and appealing aura.

"Hmm, you always keep things to yourself. Haven't you realized that?" Yae asked.

"What..? No- I just-"

"Even though your mind is saying something different, you'd always stay patient as your face sometimes turned red when you're only here with me, but you never say that you want it."


"When was this? You mean, when you visited the estate when I was still a kid? I mean, I'm different now."

She shook her head then grins at you.

"No, you haven't changed at all. Why do you always try to hold it in? You know you can tell me anything since I've already knew your secret."

"...If I let out my pent up desires for you now, I'm afraid that I wouldn't be able to stop myself." You honestly answered.

"And that bothers you at what cost? Aren't we supposed to be lovers at your timeline?"

"Huh? Wait- that's supposed to be a confidential matter that only I could have known."

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