Chapter 25: Taste Of Time

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"With me, freedom are bound to be attain. I am here to let you experience freedom. Yes, I will do something unexpected, I will do something surprisingly- but that's my way of showing my love and desire for you. I will always had my eye on you to observe you. Will step in when your in danger and save you when you're about to lose hope. I'll always be there on your darkest and lowest."

"I vow to fiercely love you in all your forms, now and forever. I promise to never forget that this is once in a lifetime love. I vow to love you, and no matter what challenges carry us apart. We will always find a way to each other."

"So, I do fantasize that one day... Perhaps you'll come back to me."



"/n, Y/n."

The warm light seeps into the window, filling the room. You slowly opened your eyes and saw Yae right in front of you. The sun's rays were blurring your vision to properly see her but her beauty still stands out.

"Repeat after me; 1, 2, 3, 4... 4, 3, 2, 1."

"...1, 2, 3, 4... 4, 3, 2, 1..." You repeated.

An air fills your lungs, reminding that you're still somehow alive.

Yae heaves a sigh of relief.

"Good, your mind seems to be unscathed."

As you fully recovered your own consciousness, you realized that you were currently resting on Yae's bedroom since its decorations and the scent of the sakura petals were very recognisable.

You sat up straight and clenched your head lightly while questioning yourself on why are still alive when surely you're supposed to be dead by now.

"Oh my, you seemed to be confuse. Have you already forgotten?" Yae asked.

"Forgotten..? That I died?"

Yae just laughs at your answer as though it was a joke then sat next to you.

"My, my, I didn't know you could pull off a joke like that, Y/n, but a word from me is don't you ever use it again."

"What? But that wasn't... Forget it, can you explain to me what exactly happened?" You asked from which she smiled in response.

"You set off yesterday and entered a strange domain to investigate the situation at Tatarasuna that majorly includes the rise of Tatarigami. The moment you and the Shogunate stepped into that realm, you're already under the influence of its effect which includes the manipulation of the mind since that domain was called the 'Mirage of Deception and Figment of Imagination'."

"Since the ley lines on that location suddenly became abnormal, it somehow affected the domain and everything that had happened in the past were extracted from it, so you may feel like you were living back into the past."

You were quite surprised from the sudden revelation and didn't think twice but to question her.

"What? That means..."

Yae nodded, "Exactly. Everything that you had encountered, seen, felt, sense, or the people you had interacted with, are all nothing but bunch of realistic hallucinations inside your mind."

"I don't quite follow... What about the Tatarigami? I noticed it was full of it when I entered that domain. Was is it also-"

"Hmm, not likely. The Tatarigami are certainly real to the point that it even almost consumed you when you went further inside the realm. Luckily, the power of the omamori that I gave you absorbed all of its filth and since you are a Vision-bearer, the effects are mitigated so it just happened to keep you unconscious as well as putting you into a deep slumber."

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