Chapter 10: Traces In The Shadows

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The sun shines in your eyes, catching your attention. The sky is a blaze with deep reds and orange as the sun creeps towards its reflection on the glittering ocean.

A soft breeze ripples the trees beyond the coast. The leaves seem to wave goodbye to you as you continued your morning walk near the estate while reading a new novel that's been published by the Yae Publishing House.

"...So this is how the story goes huh?"

"Indeed it is, is the new novel to your liking?"

Yae's voice came ahead of you as her hand was now purposely placed on the pages of the novel that you're reading so you can focus your attention towards her.

You really want to continue reading the novel without anyone disturbing you since that's the reason why you went for a walk near the coast, but you couldn't possibly ignore her at this point either so you closed the book and the moment you met her gaze, you sensed that something's off about her persona.

"Miko, what a coincidence meeting you here."

Yae just shook her head simultaneously and then laughed at herself lightly, "Perhaps you're mistaken, Y/n, I purposely asked your sister on your whereabouts this morning as she led me here to you."

"...Oh? Then what do I owe the pleasure of seeing you here? Surely you have come here not because you miss me but to discuss something important to me, I assume?"

"Good guess."

And then there's Silence...

'...What's with this heavy atmosphere?' You thought to yourself.

"Hey... Miko-"

Your words were cut off mid-sentence when she rushed in and forcedly kissed you that caught you by surprise as you almost stumble backward- luckily, you maintained your posture before grabbing her by the shoulders and then gently pushed her.

"Miko, stop, tell me what's wrong."

"Oh? You haven't grasp the current situation? Then why won't you tell me about your discussion with the Shogun yesterday?"


"...Oh I see, it seems that you already knew it beforehand that I won't allow you to join the investigation, do you?"


Silence again...

You wouldn't want to start an argument with her so you turned around and began to walk away but she stops you by the wrist.

You sighed.

"Miko... Even if you go back with me to the estate and tell this current situation to my sister and then to my brother, I will still choose to go and investigate that issue even if it means that I'll have to do it alone."

"My sister along with my mother couldn't really enjoy the things they wanted and wished to do since the people are always watching them to make a mistake and used it to discriminate our clan."

"But I'm different from them, I don't care what the people thinks of me whether what I did was right or wrong; as long as I won't dishonor our clan then I'll be seeking the freedom that I longed for that I couldn't even reach in the past."

"If it is possible for time to be reversed then I'll do anything to not be able to repeat the same mistake again that the people once did to restrain me in the past."

"Therefore, Miko, please..."

Yae was still unsure about you, coming along with them but then again, she knew that even if she refused to let you go, you already have another trick that's on your sleeves to pursue what you're willing to do.

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