Chapter 3: Hide And Seek

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After an hour or so, you were finally done helping Sayu mastering her Vision and made your sword disappear into thin air then crossed both of your arms together.

"Now that the lesson is now over... Let us take a short rest before starting the game."

You then saw Sayu shook her head in disagreement.

"Can we play now?"

Her words seem to surprise you a little since she always love to rest and sleep, so it made you grinned and responded"Of course." to her question.

"The game we'll be playing is hide and seek, since I knew you're very good at hiding using some ninjutsu items, isn't that right, Sayu?" You asked which made the ninja nodded in agreement.

"So, I'll be the seeker and I will try to find you within five minutes and an extra thirty seconds for your preparation in finding a good spot, but remember... You are only allowed to hide within the Chinju Forest, okay?"

"Yes, Miss Y/n. But promise me of no peeking while I'm trying to find my hiding spot." She said.

You nodded in response and turned around, facing the tree while closing your eyes and started counting from one to thirty as you can heard her running around finding a spot to hide.

When the counting ends in thirty, you opened your eyes and started scanning the area in front you.

'It looks likes she went deeper into the forest...' You thought to yourself before beginning your search.

You continued roaming inside the forest but then stopped on your tracks because of the breath taking sight that you saw- it was a fluffy pink fox.

'Why would such a beautiful creature be sitting while licking its paws be here in all of the places?' You pondered and saw the pink fox stop licking its paw and just looked at you intensely.

Something about its unique appearance made you felt like you've seen this pink fox before.

The creature continued to stare at you as you also stared back at it before deciding to slowly approach it and tried your best not to scare it away.

But every step you took, you noticed that the fox didn't move as it only continued to sit and watch you.

As you were now closer towards it, you slowly kneeled down on one knee, meeting the level of the pink fox that is sitting on a stone.

You just stayed silent while slightly tilting your head, examining it which made the fox to follow your actions and titled it's head right in front of you.

It's repetition of your action made you let out a small chuckle and softly smiled towards it.

"You're a mysterious one, aren't you?"

Your gentle voice seemed to made its tail swing from side to side, as if the creature understands you. You couldn't help but to chuckle again and slowly placed your hand on its head.

You then start rubbing it's head gently making the pink fox purred, closing its eyes as though as if was remembering the feeling of your touch.

Then all of a sudden, you remembered the reason why you were roaming around the Chinju Forest in the first place and just patted its head before standing up. It opened its eyes and looked at you filled with disappointment.

You couldn't helped but to chuckle once more covering your mouth and speak to it somewhat apologetically.

"Do excuse me, but I must take my leave now, I still have to go and look for Sayu because of our hide and seek game."

"Honestly, this game is the only way for her to master her ninjutsu instead of sleeping." You exclaimed then saw the pink fox slightly nodded in agreement with your idea.

"Take care, little one."

You then bid farewell in front of it as you turned around and use your Anemo Vision to teleport yourself and landed gently on a strong tree branch.

"Now, where are you hiding you little ninja."

You start scanning the area beneath you and your eyes directly landed on a barrel with a tail behind it.

You secretly smiled and jumped from the tree branch and swiftly landed on the ground with the help of your Vision.

You then tapped the barrel twice.

"Sayu, I've now found you. It's game over for you."

She transformed back and started pouting with her arms crossed over to her chest.

"Aww, I thought you weren't be able to find me since you are having a hard time."

"...I would be, if your tail isn't showing up." You then chuckle lightly.

"That's because I was scared of you by trying to find me." She answered.

"Well... This has been fun but I can already guessed that night has now fallen outside the forest. Please be careful on your way back, alright?"

"Alright, Miss Y/n...*Yawn* I'm already sleepy, goodnight."

You nodded in response while she used her own ninjutsu for a faster way. On the other hand, you slowly walk outside the Chinju Forest, still thinking of that unique fox you've met a while back.















Back at the forest, the kitsune's eyes were filled with excitement as it slowly find its way to an area that is much more silent and safe before the it fully transformed into a beautiful person.

And that person was none other than Yae Miko, the Guuji of the Grand Narukami Shrine.

The Guuji both stretched her back and arms as a delicate smirk appeared on her lips and slowly plays with her hair, remembering the youngest daughter of the Kamisato Clan, rubbing and patting her head gently.

"Kamisato Y/n..."

"Such an interesting and an unpredictable girl..."

"Her elegant and beautiful appearance let alone that warm smile of hers, there's no knowing what devious schemes are brewing inside of her head. Ah, that Yashiro Rascal really did trained her to be that way."

"But alas... I've never would have thought that she would piqued my interest since she was still a child, and to be madly in love let alone to a human like her. Although..."

"...I want to see her go wild for me and only me."

She smirks, closing her eyes in amusement while thinking of doing lewd things to the Kamisato Clan's youngest daughter.

"Hmm~ I do think that now is the perfect time, and I hope that you'll take full responsibility of what am I suppose to do, Kamisato Y/n."

She chuckled of the thought of having you for herself since it stimulate her. Yae's foxy ears slightly twitched in pleasure as she continued to head back to the shrine at night.

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