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I look around in awe at all the city lights, the cars, the people and i feel small. I have always loved this city, i was born and raised here my whole life and i don't know any other life.

Every street and corner of this place makes me feel closer to my parents, it feels like just yesterday the soles of their shoes had touched the same pavement i stand on.

I look to my right and a lonely, beautiful cloud hangs in the night sky. My smile doesn't reach my eyes as i watch the sun setting, people are tucked up in their homes, the shops are closing and the world is ready for bed.

The streets are quiet, not a single engine belonging to a car disturbs the peace and the only sound I can make out from a few blocks away is a child's laughter and the local news blaring on the radio at a near by open window.

I find myself lost in my thoughts, slowing down my steps as i bury my hands in my pockets, shielding them from the cold breeze.

The wind causes me to shiver, and the hair on my arms sticking up reminds me of the night before.

The only interesting part of last night was the two minute conversation me and the random stranger shared. The rest of the night consisted of watching Abby and Jake and carrying her drunk body to the uber.

I wondered if i'd seen him again, even went out of my way to scan the room in hope to be met with his intimidating glare.

But it never came.

There was something about his intoxicating presence that sparked something in my boring life. Something that made me want to be apart of the chaos instead of running from it.

Something i hadn't felt ever since my parents tragically passed away.

The man was a complete mystery, and i wanted to solve him.

My phone vibrates in my back pocket, clearing me off my thoughts and i reach for it, pulling it out and unlocking it.

A few notifications pile on top of each other, and i click on Abby's name reading her messages.

Saturday night, party at Keith's?

This is the third party this week, and the thought of being dragged to another one just for the purpose of practically supervising her makes me yawn.

I promised myself that i'd refuse the next one she's asks me to go too, but that was before i discovered that my strangers habitat is anywhere liquor is involved.

I was curious off his reaction, wondered if he would be surprised to see me for a third time or if he'd remain unfazed.

Maybe it would leave him thinking as much as i had been, maybe i'd even find out his name.

Or maybe i had taken that random feeling of fascination and pinned it on the stranger, and to him i was just one of many girls he took the time out his night to look at.

Regardless, when Saturday rolled around, the floor of my room was cluttered with clothes with only thirty minutes left to waste before the she devil would be at my door.

I sigh at the mess, dreading the thought of cleaning it later and instead slip on black heels to match the short leather skirt i had paired with a tight off the shoulder top.

I stumbled over my clothes as i made my way to the big mirror leaned against my wall, leaned forward and applied the clear lipgloss.

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