The minute Axel had heard his front door close and watched Ronan pull her to his car and drive off, was the same minute he had realised that he had probably lost the only person in his life that ever truly made him feel alive and normal.
His heart and everything they had together had fell into a black abyss and the only thing Axel could do was slide down his wall and sit down in the mess he created.
He hadn't realised he was experiencing the first stage of a panic attack, because suddenly it felt as if the room was closing in around him and when he rubbed his chest over his aching heart it only grew more painful. Even when he held onto his neck as if it would do anything to ease away the feeling like you are suffocating, his throat only closed in on him tighter and before he knew it he was gasping for air and feeling like he was about to die.
Yet non of that mattered, nothing could hurt as much as his broken fragile heart that ached so much for a certain blonde girl. The minute she looked at him as if she was afraid of him, he felt the weight wrap around his ankle and drag him down into the bottom of the ocean, leaving him there alone to suffocate and drown.
But no it couldn't be. He was her sweetheart and she was his Bella.
She can't be scared of him.
But it was too late, Axel was to attached to the little white pills. He was too reliant on the way they made him feel.
They're was no way he could ever even imagine letting go off them, or living without them. There was no way in hell he thought he could ever survive without them.
So he was angry, he was so angry that the only two people he ever truly felt so deeply for in his life could do such thing; take away his only way of feeling happiness, his only source of survival.
So as he sat there, feeling like he's dying- all he could do was ache for a sense of comfort from those little white magical pills, and a girl he had fallen head over heals for.
2 weeks.
14 days.
2 weeks that felt like a eternity.
2 whole weeks with no contact from him. Not to me, not to Ronan, not to anyone.
It's like he's vanished of the face of the earth.
Shivers crawled up my spine, the thought that that might've been the last time ill ever see him.
Ronan was slowly loosing his mind, the thought of his best friend possibly overdosing again or lying in some ditch dead was terrifying him.
The first few days of no contact from Axel were fine, Ronan said he sometimes did this, just went missing for a few days and came back when he had cooled off.
But when it had came to a week, and Ronan had searched everywhere he could be and found nothing, spammed his phone with messages and calls and got no reply telling him to go away and leave him alone like he usually would, he began to worry.
I never knew how their friendship even began, they we're different from each other yet Ronan loved Axel with everything he had in him, and so did Axel... in his own way.

RomanceAxel Brown was not particularly approachable. With a cold interior and a deadly stare he'd scare those who get to close away. So what was so different about Isabella June? She was everything he hated in a person. Chatty, loud, full of energy. A walk...