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The drive was silent. Not a word uttered to one another. Not a single expression on his face to allow me to read what he's thinking.

Yet he still drove me to his house, led me through the giant doors, locked the door behind him and gave me a clean t-shirt and sweatpants and let me shower. All without a single word.

He stared out the window, his back facing me, his hands buried in the pockets of his sweatpants and his hair freshly washed and dripping.

I ambled out of the bathroom into his messy bedroom that brought back bad memories, dressed and ready to go for bed. He doesn't acknowledge me when i come in.

I should've went home, it would have been the right thing to do. But i didn't, maybe because before we got in that car his fingers brushed against mine and he looked at me with a look i've never seen on him before, silently asking me to stay. Or maybe it was the way he sped past the turn to my house and continued driving normally the rest of the way, or maybe i was selfish and wanted to spent one last night with him.

He stared out the window for a little longer, before he stepped back, ran a hand over his face and silently got into bed and without looking in my direction once he turned his back away from me and set his head on the pillow.

I should've went home, i thought.

He's shutting me out, i thought.

I tried to understand, he just hurting.

But it was so hard, so so hard not to overthink everything.

I turned towards the window, Axels hard back facing me, his back moving to match the pattern of his breathing. I stared out into the dark sky and at the light shining down to his room being the moonlight, and the pretty little white stars that surrounded it. I talk to the person i wish that was with me right now, i ask her silently what i should do, hoping she's listening, hoping she's watching over me and then leaving it at that i shut my eyes and force myself to drift off, refusing to let a tear fall from my stinging eyes.

Minutes pass, and i'm about to fall into a deep slumber when a rough and cold finger caresses my cheek, waking me up. It sends shivers down my spine and causes the hairs on the back of my neck to raise. I can smell him, his strong cologne, sweet and peppery. Comforting. Home.

Peeling my eyes open, i am met with his blue gaze on me, his straight nose inches away from brushing mine, his eyes staring straight into my soul. I stare for a moment, unsure of what to do. The air feels thick with unwanted tension, i feel like i'm burning up under him.

His thumb presses into my cheek slightly harder, his expression changing into what looks like a hurricane of emotion before his head drops onto my right shoulder and he sucks in a sharp breath. Without another thought, i lift a hand up and let my fingers run through his thick dark locks.

"Hey.." My voice comes out raspy and comforting when i bring a hand up to his cheek and gently force him to look up at me.

All i can see off him in this dark and quiet room are his features that are just barley lit up by the moonlight- his chiselled jaw, the bridge of his nose, the small mole on his jaw.

He stays silent, his hands moving down to hold the side of my neck as he urges me closer and silently asks for comfort.

Then his forehead is pressed hard against mine, the tip of his nose brushing mine, my hands in his hair and his on my face. I'm confused and a question urges to leave my lips but i stop myself, allowing him to take this moment before he turns cold again.

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