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"Green suits you, pretty girl." Ronan winked, a cigarette in his mouth as he followed me around the cafe. I wore a pastel green summer dress to work today, my hair was in a ponytail secured and held up by a claw clip, i felt rather pretty.

"Thank you." I blushed, sending him a genuine smile that caused his lips to turn upwards.

Ronan had come to the cafe for coffee about half an hour ago and ever since then, hes followed me around like a lost puppy. I didn't mind it that much, i enjoyed Ronan's company and over the few encounters that we have had we grew to be good friends. But just because i wanted Ronan here, does not mean i wanted to get introuble. If Bradley found Ronan he wouldn't be happy.

"Why are you following me around, is there anything else that you need?" I asked as i neatly folded the freshly washed cloths. Ronan's face scrunched up jokingly.

"Maybe i just want to spend some time with you, Isabells." He placed a hand on his chest, right over his heart. "Is that so much to ask for?" Ronan leaned against the wall.

"Does it have to be during my shift?" I picked up the pile of folded clothes and walked away from him, but i felt his presence follow me as i walked back to the front of the cafe.

"Well considering you are always working, yes." He replied behind me, i knelt down and placed the cloths into the drawer neatly before standing back up and facing Ronan.

"I just wanna keep you company." Ronan added picking up his voice so i could hear him over the loudest voices in the cafe, and placed a hand on the counter before leaning on it. I raised my eyebrow, smirking.

"Why do i feel like you're not here just to 'keep me company'" I placed a hand on my hip and watched Ronan open his mouth and quickly shut it when he realised he didn't have a response.

I giggled "What do you need?"

"Why does everybody constantly assume i need something, i actually have something to ask you." Ronan replied in a sassy tone. I nodded, gesturing for him to continue.

"So i actually do wanna hang out with you." Ronan raised his eyebrows in a annoyed way that said i-told-you-so

"...and i was wondering if you wanted to come to a party with me?" Ronan smiled widely, trying to persuade me to come with him.

"Why me?" I asked, turning around and beginning to dry the wet dishes that were left on the side of the sink.

"Because you need to bring a plus one and you're the only female i like at the moment." He grabbed my pony tail and shook it, i slapped his hand away and sent him an upset scowl.

"Don't touch my hair you'll mess up the pony." I said, Ronan raised his hands in the air and mumbled a quick 'Sorry'. I continued to dry the dishes as he awkwardly watched me.

"So will you come?"

"I don't know Ronan, my shift doesn't end till 8pm" I sighed, I felt Ronan move beside me before speaking again.

"Well good thing it's 8:00" I turned my head took look at Ronan who had his phone shoved in my face that read 8:00.

"Soooo" Ronan smirked, showing me a thumbs up and thumbs down with the other hand.

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