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"I mean it was perfect, he was so sweet and the kiss, gosh the kiss!" Lucy was practically melting into me as i stood drying cups and mugs in the cafe.

Her date with Bruce went very well, she had spammed my phone when she got back last night and now she has been telling me for the past thirty minutes everything that happened.

"And he kept complimenting me so much! But not in the icky way, he did it in the perfect moments." She rambled, the corners of her eyes crinkled and her cheeks were tinted pink as she smiled so widely.

"So, do you think he wants to move further? like you know relationship wise." I ask, tilting my head to look at her as i held the wet mug tightly.

"I don't know, i mean i do but i'm not sure if he does, and i don't want to rush things." She explains, her elbow now on the counter, using it for support to lean her body against.

"Just ask him."

"No! i cannot just ask him." She raised her tone.

"Yes you can." I chuckled, placing the mug i dried down onto the counter and picking up another one. Lucy only glanced at the cups instead of helping me like she's supposed to.

"No, what if he doesn't want a relationship? Ill be so embarrassed" She leans her head into my shoulder, whining into it.

"We'll i guess you'll never know." I shrug my shoulder, placing the mug i just dried down next to the others, and pick up the last wet one.

I'm not the best with relationship advice - considering i've never been in one - but even i could tell Bruce had to like her. His striking looks and built body had plenty of girls at his feet, and out of all of them he only showed Lucy his attention.

"Ugh!" She whined again before trotting off in a mood. I chuckled under my breath, and walked to the door flipping the sign that said closed to open.

It only took a few minutes before the rest of my colleagues were in, putting on their aprons and getting to work. Sophie has been awfully nice since i caught her in the bathroom that day.

It still makes me cringe even thinking about it.

But i felt bad, she seemed very embarrassed and although she's usually unkind to me and sometimes makes rude remarks i have tried being her friend.

Because everyone deserves a friend, even the mean ones.

It was a warm day, the city was more alive than usual, with people walking around in shorts and dresses.

The flowers that were planted outside the cafe were more vibrant and everything seemed more welcoming. Its soft tones and colors stand out more whenever the sun shines on it. I just loved how pretty it was.

Even the interior of the cafe seemed more lively, with fresh muffins and cakes on display it smelt good inside. And i just admired the cafe when the weather was warm. It lifted up my mood and it got me through the long hours.

I wore my mom's summer dress today, it was baby blue with little flowers printed all over it. The shoulders were ruffled and the fabric ran all the way to my mid thighs. I had never worn it before, in fact i never really had the courage to go through my parents stuff since they died. It's kind of been hidden away in a box, in a little storage closet in my apartment.

Yesterday night, i had missed my parents more than usual - especially after what Abby said- and I dug through the messy closet till i found the box. It had my mom's summer dress, my dad's favourite watch, lots of their clothes and my mom's jewelry. There was also some love letters my parents wrote to each other before they got married and had me.

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