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As i leaned on the white stone wall, my hands in my pocket, my gaze fixed on her i thought of all the things i could do to her.

Bella wore a short brown leather skirt leaving her long tanned legs on show, she paired it with a white turtleneck and black boots. Her golden waves ran down her back, a plain white headband pushing her hair back, two big strands left hanging at the front.

She looked so pretty.

An angel sent from heaven.

It even put me in a good mood, looking at her.

I hated fucking humans, the thought of a person even breathing in my direction made me want to set myself on fire. I had many endless reasons on why people are the most irritating things ever.

But fuck, this annoying girl. She was everything that i didn't want but yet everything i needed.

She was so fucking pretty.

So much so that i couldn't even fuck another girl without imagining it was her underneath me, it had made me regret ever going to that beach house. Ever since we have came back my mind was constantly replaying her annoying face, fuck i couldn't even sleep.

It pissed me off. I hated her.

What pissed me off even more was that instead of being behind her counter, serving me. She was serving some blonde spoiled boy at a table.

She leaned over the table the blonde rat sat at, her ass almost out as she spoke with him. He trailed his eyes along her body, a smirk on his face as they lowly spoke to each other. Bella was so interested in this guy she hasn't even realised i had walked into the cafe.

I watched her listen to what he had to say, her lips stretched into a smile as she nodded. I've been watching this encounter for ten whole minutes.

She been speaking to this blonde rat for ten minutes.

Didn't she have a job to fucking do?

Where the fuck was my hot chocolate?

I decided i was sick of waiting for my hot chocolate when he proceeded to touch her waist. Kicking of the wall i marched over, finally grabbing her attention.

"Oh! Hey Axel!" She smiled, her eyes glowing as she stood up straight. I bent down and pulled her skirt down, before turning to the blonde rat sitting down. He stared at me, startled by my sudden appearance he cleared his throat and sat up straight.

"Am i interrupting something?" I asked, a sharp tone in my voice.

Bella frowned, shaking her head.

"Not at all" She said looking back at the guy next to us as she smiled.

"Good" I nodded "Cause I've been waiting to get my hot chocolate for the past 10 minutes. "

Bella frowned before turning to the counter, where her even more annoying friend stood taking peoples orders.

"Lucy's serving, go get in the line." She said, practically brushing me off and turning her attention back to the blonde rat without sparing me another glance.

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