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I once had a dream i was sinking in deep water, and no matter how hard i tried to swim up i kept getting pulled down. Eventually i was so far down everything was dark, and i couldn't see or breathe, and finally when i looked down to see who was holding me down. I woke up.

I had that dream almost ever time i fell asleep, it scared me so much i stopped sleeping after a while. Sometimes my body just gave out on me and i would fall asleep, and then when i woke up from the nightmare i'd regret letting my body do that.

I spent so long having nightmares, eventually it was the only thing i knew sleep to be.

So you could imagine the confusion painted on my face when i woke up in Bella's bed with her on top of me. And when i realised that i slept, but there was no nightmare. Instead, it was just one of the comfiest sleeps i've had in a while.

Her hair was spread out on my chest and on one side of her face, giving me a clear view of the other side. Her back rose and fell in her sleep as she hugged my naked torso. I trailed her body with my eyes, trying to figure out how to get out of this.

Her long legs where intertwined with mine, her large t-shirt was rode up all the way to her stomach revealing her in nothing but underwear.

And although i could stare at her like this all day, because she was truly a sight for sore eyes. I couldn't help but wonder if we fucked.

Because fuck id be pissed if we did and i didn't remember anything.

I felt her hot breath on my chest, her plump lips where slightly pouted and after a moment she rubbed herself more into me, slightly stretching her legs out and intertwining them with mine even more in the process.

I groaned, as the only thing i could see was her ass in the air, and all i could smell was her lavender shampoo. It was addicting and i couldn't take my eyes off her.

After a good minute, i finally decided to get her off and get out before she woke up.

I slowly moved to her arms and moved them off me, before holding onto her back and letting her fall back gently on the mattress. After, i pulled my legs out of hers and sat up on the bed.

My head all of a sudden pounded as i stood up, i turned to Bella who was now spread on the bed and still asleep. I felt bad leaving her, she was too nice for her own good. But, if i fucked her it's best i leave now, she can't get attached. I don't need that and i sure as hell don't want that.

I reached over her, pulling the covers on top of her and moving her hair gently out her face. If she was any other girl, i would just pick up my shit and get out of here. But she wasn't any other girl. She was Bella.

Fragile little Bella

I slowly moved to look for my shirt, i trailed my eyes around her slightly messy room until i spotted it. I reached over to pick it up, my once clean navy coloured t-shirt was now covered in shit and blood.

What the fuck happened and how did i even get here?

I pulled the shirt over my head and body, my face scrunching in disgusting in the process as i smelt it. I then began to slide my shoes back on.

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