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I was butt hurt.

And obsessed.

He had show up at my graduation, looked at me with so much intensity it had made me blush and sparked a light of hope for me.

And then he left me on read.

I shouldn't be butt hurt. I ended things. He had every right to leave me on read.

At the time seeing him there, with that hard stare and that large scary frame, i had convinced myself something good would come from it.

Now it feels like a final goodbye.

And then i remember why i had to end it, and i'm brought back to reality where his addiction is the barrier keeping us apart.

But i'm still obsessed. So much so i have been following Ronan around everywhere in hopes of seeing him.

"Are you sure you want to come?" Ronan shouts over the large music blaring in his car, but i'm focused on holding on for dear life as he recklessly drives.

"Of course! You said it yourself, it's time for me to get out the house and move on."

"And you think a party will help with that?"

"It's not like i haven't been to one before, carrots." Ronan's face doesn't seem too convincing.

He chuckles to himself. "You are going to a party hosted by Ethan. As amazing as my parties are, his are filled with horny perverts and crazy substances."

"Aren't yours like that? I don't see the problem." I shrug, staring out into the window where the city is lit up by lights.

"Ethan has a thing for one upping me in everything. I'm just saying maybe intense parties aren't the right thing for a fragile soul like you." He smiles, pinching my cheeks like i'm a child.

I scoff, tired of everyone seeing me as an innocent baby and not taking me seriously. I've been around a drug addict for months, how much more intense can it get than that?

"I'll take a cab home if i feel like it's too much for me." I'm not sure why i'm trying to convince him, he's taking me regardless but he could spin the car around and drag me home at any moment if he feels i will be unsafe.

He takes a few glances between me and the road, and finally drops the subject. We sit in silence, his hands turn the wheel a few times and he changes the gears a few times more until we are there.

I stare at the house - no, a mansion - in awe. It's Ethan, of course he lived in a mansion all by himself.

Ronan leans into me, staring out my side of the window and the mass amount of people entering his expensive house and trashing his gorgeous front porch.

"The fucker went all out." Ronan mutters, letting out a sour scoff after and leaning back into his seat.

Was it bad it made me more excited? I hadn't had good experiences in parties, but it had thrilled me to see so many people, so many opportunities and ways this night could go.

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