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The cafe was once the only thing i looked forward to, working here made me forget everything else, made me feel needed in something.

Once i used to stand behind my counter, wait for the bell to ring and for him walk in and greet me with nothing but a blank stare. I didn't realise it then, but it was the only thing i lived for.

I lived for this cafe and the butterflies that grew and flew around in my stomach every time i heard that bell. I lived for the fresh smell of cakes and coffees, for the flowers that bloomed and decorated the cafe, for the hot chocolate that brought me and him together.

I lived for it until i didn't anymore.

Until i found Ronan trying to bring Axel back to life at the very place i called my safe place, at the very place that brought me comfort after my parents died. Until stepping foot into the cafe was no longer a breath of fresh air after a long day but instead a pounding against my chest urging me to run away. Until all i lived for was keeping him alive.

"Isabella?" Lucy spoke, a confused expression painting her face, the sounds of chatter and the smell of freshly baked muffins coming from the front of the cafe brought a sense of nostalgia.

She stood tall, matching my tall figure as she looked at me with a welcoming smile and an apron hiding her outfit.

"Are you okay?" She asked, scanning my full figure. I swallowed and returned the smile.

"Yes, sorry." I replied, tucking my hair behind my ears and letting out a small chuckle.

"Are you going to go in or just stand here?" Lucy laughed, pointing at the brown wooden door that led into that exact bathroom.

I stared at the door for a few moments, and looked down at the door handle before stepping back and deciding i'll hold in my pee instead.

I turned my attention back to Lucy, ready to let her go in front of me but was met with a frown and worried eyes.

She swallowed with glossy eyes and stepped forward, wrapping her arms around me to embrace me in a hug. She stood there for a while, and all i could do was place a cheek on her shoulder and close my eyes, reminded that there is still something good to look forward to in this cafe.


I'll always have Lucy. I've lost the type of comfort i had towards this cafe, but my best friend remained right here. It reminded me that there still is something good left here, that i can once be happy here again.

She smoothed the back of my head and kissed my cheek before pulling away with tears and a broken smile. She said something that i didn't quite catch, but i assumed it was a 'Im always here.' before she twisted the door handle to the bathroom and closed it behind her.

I blinked back a few tears, my heart swells with the endless love for my first real friend and my forever best friend as i walk away.

Bradley winks at me and waves goodbye from his chair with a phone to his ear when i walk past his little office.

I bring a finger to my back and pull at the string before taking off the apron, and shoving it into my locker.

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