"Seperation Anxiety." The words tickled my neck, the voice came out softly - almost too softly for the person who was speaking.
"What?" Had been the first word i spoke since Noah Hart had found me on the edge of this cliff. It had been the first word i spoke all day infact.
Shifting my attention from the bright orange sunset, and the hundreds of lights coming from the city - i looked down at our feet that dangled in the air and the ocean that violently smacked against the walls of the 600 meter cliff we sat on.
I was surprised Noah had sat down on the muddy grass willingly. He was a huge germaphobe and control freak and avoided any chance of getting his expensive attire dirty.
Not only that, but the man hardly spoke - so imagine my surprise when he was the first to institute a conversation. Hell, he even tracked me down and brought beer just to sit on a fucking cliff with me in pure silence.
"You have Seperation Anxiety. That's why you follow the poor girl like a stalker." His words don't have much emotion behind them, and neither does his face. He never has much emotion. He's quiet and always calm and for that reason he is my favourite.
A rest from the hyperactive Ronan, honestly.
"And where have you come up with such a crazy accusation." I reply drily, taking a swing of the beer.
We don't look at each other, we stare out into the city lit up by lights and my throat goes dry knowing one of those lights are hers.
"Im a man of many connections and have been gifted with great observation. Plus, it doesn't take a genius to see that you are stalking the girl." He takes a swing of the beer for the first time since he sat down, my bottle is already finished.
"It's not stalking, i'm merely observing. Just like you." I shrug.
"Or, you are simply in denial. You've developed Separation Anxiety and that's why when you're not out doing coke you are following the girl."
I stiffen, my feet that were once dangling in the air stop and i clench my jaw in annoyance. "Did you follow me here to diagnose me?"
"No." His voice is hard, yet so calm it's completely unpredictable and useless to read the fuckers emotions.
"Then why are you here? To tell me to stop taking drugs? To give me some advice? I don't need your lectures, Noah." It's not a good idea to ever raise your voice at Noah Hart, but the fucker is speaking too much shit and it's nudging at my heart the wrong way.
It's bringing her and all the giddy little feelings for her up to the surface that i have worked so hard all day to bury away.
"There is only a few people in this world i have grown fond of, and one of them happens to be you. Can i not enjoy some company with you?"
I feel my laugh rumble in my chest, and i look at Noah for the first time tonight. He's wearing one of those rare smirks that i have only seen Bella and Ronan receive from him.
It hits me thats he's probably here for them.
"You've never gone out your way to share some quality time with your friends. I feel special." I say, sarcasm rolling off my tongue.

RomanceAxel Brown was not particularly approachable. With a cold interior and a deadly stare he'd scare those who get to close away. So what was so different about Isabella June? She was everything he hated in a person. Chatty, loud, full of energy. A walk...