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listen to this song please <3


The sky was gloomy, dark clouds hung over us as they moved closer and the chilly wind grew more aggressive. Autumn was starting.

"Are you sure you don't want me to drive you home? Its cold outside" Lucy asked, taking her pink apron off and shoving it in her locker.

I shook my head, I loved autumn. I loved taking walks, and I loved the rain.

I had always found comfort in the cold seasons, I just loved autumn, that slight chill in the air, the transitioning of bright and full trees too dark and falling leaves. Admiring the colorful spectacle of nature at its best.

We shut our lockers in sync, and as we walked to the exit the cafe was silent. Not a single soul was seen, it was empty and squeaky clean ready for tomorrow.

The cafe seemed so different with no people inside it, but the smell never went. The smell of fresh muffins, cakes and cookies teased my nostrils as we walked.

"Don't worry, I don't live far way ill survive." I assured her, she didn't seem convinced but still nodded before wrapping her arms around me and pulling me into a tight hug, her vanilla sent comforting me.

"I'll see you tomorrow." She said, I nodded into her shoulder and repeated her words back to her.

One last squeeze later Lucy was the first to walk out the cafe, she blew me a kiss before running of to her car, the wind almost blowing her away.

I felt the first drop of rain on my shoulder when I locked up the cafe, my once styled hair was getting ruined from the wind. The chilly wind formed goosebumps on my tan skin.

And although I was in nothing but a pair of leggings and an old thin t-shirt, I let myself freeze as I slowly began to walk back home. I enjoyed watching the start of a new season.

I watched the pavement underneath me slowly get coloured with little droplets of rain as I stepped over them.

I heard a tapping and then it became a pitter patter. The rain grew heavy, it colored the ground faster with bigger droplets.

The more I walked the colder it got, my blood stream halted with ice as I felt myself shiver. My golden hair dripped and stuck to my head as my clothes clinged to my tall frame.

It rained harder, puddles began plinking as the rain fell down like a water fall. The sky seemed even gloomier as It poured. Who would have though that something as colorless as water could make the clouds so dark.

The cars sped past me, almost splashing the newly formed puddles on me. The street lights flickered on in the dark weather, the sound of rain over powered the semi busy street.

Tap tap tap. A thousand, million taps at once.

The rhythm stuck with me the longer I listened to them fall.

Then they stopped.

I saw the rain, I watched it continue to fall but not one drop hit me. It poured down on me, but missed me each time.

I knitted my eyebrows together and turned around, feeling a cold presence behind me.

And I was right, there stood Axel. His hair was stuck to his forehead, rain dripped off the ends and hit his already wet eyelashes. His oversized t-shirt was soaking wet and now see through, reavling his tan skin and toned chest. His jeans looked equally soaked and heavy to wear. He was soaking wet.

I looked up and realised that he held a black jacket over my head, shielding me from the rain.

Without a greeting or anything even close to it, he grabbed my arms and shoved them into the sleeves. I looked up at him confused, as he bent down to zip the jacket up.

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