I sat crossed legged on the comfy couch, a laptop in my lap as i tried to study for an upcoming exam, which will also be my last before i graduate high school.
I wasn't getting much studying done though, because the minute i opened my laptop, my phone rang and when i picked it up it was Ronan blabbering about taking me to some beach house for a week.
"I have work Ronan, i can't just drop everything and go." I lightly chuckled, holding my phone with my shoulder as i pressed it to my ear and peeled a banana with my hands.
"You're always fucking working come on you need a break once in a while, pretty girl." He whined through the phone, i started at the half peeled banana as i took my phone off my shoulder.
"Go without me." I sighed. I heard Ronan whine and groan like a baby.
"If i have to go another year with those four physcos alone i will drown myself, i need you Isabella!" He whispers shouted, the sound of cars speeding past were heard clearly in the background meaning he was in public.
"Come on take a holiday and come with, one week won't hurt." He tried to convince me, i finally took a bite into the banana.
This whole time i had worked at the cafe, i have never asked for a holiday or a day off. I was even sure that if i asked Bradley he would probably say the same thing Ronan said because even he had tried to force me to have a few days off.
"I don't know any of them." I finally replied after i swallowed the banana.
"You can bring you're weird friend." Ronan suggested , i scrunched my face together.
The only friends i have is him and Lucy.
And Axel, but that's one sided.
"Lucy is not weird!" I defended her and shouted at Ronan through this phone, i would always defend Lucy with my life.
"Well she's always sending me and Axel dirty looks." Ronan voice was loud but calm, enough to hear him over the loud background. I bit into my banana again before chewing it and then swallowed before talking.
"That's because she's not very fond of you two." I awkwardly smiled to myself, i heard Ronan laugh loudly through the phone.
"Well that's a first." I couldn't help but roll my eyes and laugh.
"But she can come, we have room." He remarked and then paused for a moment before speaking again. "I think." He added sounding unsure but he brushed it off.
I placed the banana peel on the table and got more comfy on the couch, i'm sure Lucy would love a holiday but i'm not sure if she would be very happy if it was with Axel. She didn't like him very much.
"Alright, i'll speak to her and let you know." I replied, a small smile break through on my face.
"Yeah baby!" Ronan cheered, i giggled throwing my head back a little before shaking my head.
"Don't get to exited, i didn't say we were going." I mentioned my tone was serious but i had a big smile on my face.
"I know i know, but i promise you'll have the best time!" Ronan responded, i fixed the grip on my phone and took my laptop off my lap before lifting my knees up to wrap my arm around them as i rested my chin on top.

RomanceAxel Brown was not particularly approachable. With a cold interior and a deadly stare he'd scare those who get to close away. So what was so different about Isabella June? She was everything he hated in a person. Chatty, loud, full of energy. A walk...