I'm So Sorry (Not Really xD)

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Well I was trying to make a password for an account I was making for EpicGeek. So I used Epiccurlz. So I was joking around with her and told her it was our ship name. She got WAAAAY too exacted and said we should come up with ship names for all our Watty friends. So bottom line is, here is all your ship names. Let me know how much you hate em. Or like em. I meant like them. Of course you will like them... I'm just going to put them down now. And we used our names too, don't worry xD I'll even put who's in the ship in case you can't figure it out yourself

CoperGeek/Epiccurlz- Epic and me

Copersnakess/pinapplecurlz- pinapplesnakess and me

Epicsnakess/pineappleGeek- pinapplesnakess and Epic

Britssnakess/pineapplecup- pineapplesnakess and BritsAreMyCupOfTea

Levsnakess/ pineappleex01- pineapplesnakess and Levex01

Epicex01/ LevGeek- Levex01 and EpicGeek

Coperex01/ Levcurlz- Levex01 and me

Howlettex01/ LevTwins- Levex01 and HowlettTwins (I feel like this is a real ship)

Epicbrits/ GeeksAreMyCupOfTea- EpicGeek and BritsAreMyCupOfTea

Coperbrits/ curlzAreMyCupOfTea- BritsAreMyCupOfTea and me

That's all we had. Let us know if you have a funny ship or if you just laughed. And sorry pineapplesnakess, we used you a lot xD You were literally the first name I saw so you started this all. So there you have it. Please don't hate me for this... meh, I don't care, it was funny.

Peace out my Stars!

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