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So it's about six in the morning when I'm writing this. You must be wondering why I am up and it's in the middle of summer. Well the answer is I woke up and hour ago and now I can't go back to sleep. This is so annoying that I had to grab my laptop and pull my arms into the cold air that is my room and write this. 

I have a love-hate relationship with sleep. I love it and it's one of the best things ever. It helps me get out of the hell I have to live in at times and it's just great. 

Yet I hate it also. I mean just laying awake trying to fall asleep just makes me hate it. Having thoughts all over the place and not getting on the right track to fall asleep. And once you wake up, you want to go back to sleep, but your body is like, sorry sucker, no more sleep for you! 

Another thing I hate about this is that if you don't get enough sleep you can easily get headaches and so many other things! Like yesterday I only got about four hours of sleep, so I had a huge headache all day. It was just more to add on to the list of things wrong with me. 

Anyway, like I was saying, sleep is also a thing that some people fear. And no, I don't mean like sleeping in your bed. Have you ever thought about how doctors and hospitals give surgery? They put the person to sleep. They just knock them out. You have no idea what is happening to you, just that when you wake up something in your body is more than likely going to hurt until you ask the nurse for some kind of pain killer. I don't like hospitals, but that is a story for another time. 

Anyway, why am I writing this? Well like I said it's six in the damn morning, so that might have to do with it. To tell the truth don't really take this too serious cause my mind is sleep ridden and I'm not thinking straight. In fact I'm so tired that Blue's Clues is being the best show for me right now. Not that there is anything wrong with it. Leave that dog alone, she is cool! Not that I watch the show outside of six in the morning when the only thing is on is reruns of Hanging with Mr. Copper. It's a good show too, but I've seen it too many times. 

Man this was a total waste of my time. I'm still going to post this and not give a shit what you all think. Um, vote if you thought I wasted your time or whatever. I don't know. I'm going back to sleep, even if it kills me. 

Peace out my Stars! 

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