We Did a Thing

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Okay so you know how my chapter before this was a joke between my friend and me? Well we may or may not have worked on the two and made them into real characters. This is what happens when Daisy and I get bored. We create jokes into real characters. She told me to write it down somewhere so I'm going to write it out right now. You guys can enjoy can enjoy it.

Beth, Queen of the Butterflies is a girly type of person. She's very cheerful and happy. She loves all cute things and is pretty much a cute, loveable person. She's very trusting of people and loves almost everyone. She has a large fear of spiders though and doesn't try to hide it. She's pretty much my female half.

Vincent, King of Ravens, is my male side. He's very laid back and doesn't talk often. He's very strong and doesn't take crap from anyone. He's pretty much a fighter and protects Beth from danger. He's not very trusting of people and doesn't really liked to be touched by anyone but Beth. He's also the silent type and has a large fear of needles.

When they want they fuse together and make me! Yeah, I'm just two people fused together. Beth and Vincent makes Copercurlz! Wonderful, right? I'm just me so... xD Oh well.

Peace out my Stars!

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