Dika and Scars

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So we all know Dika's got scars on her hands. Well those aren't her only scars. She's got a few more, but she didn't cause them. She's got one on her left leg from where a wolf bite her. It's more near her ankle so it almost looks like a full circle. She's got one on her right shoulder where a branch fell on her and ended up cutting her shoulder. She's got a few tiny ones from different things that either she caused, not on purpose though, or an animal caused. Though her biggest scar are four long lines across her back. She got it when a polar bear sneak up behind her while she was hunting and with it scratched her, leaving her with her scars. Also the first and only fight she got in with a polar bear. She doesn't really hide them too much since it is a reasonable story behind them all, but they aren't usually showing. Really only her family, boyfriend, Alex and Alfred know about them. 

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