Volume 1 - Chapter 1: Luo Feng

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The azure sky seemed like a gigantic blue emerald, the midsummer sun seemed like a huge fireball, hung on the top of this huge emerald. Using the sun's position, one could estimate it was around 3 PM.

Zhi-An region's 3rd high school.


As the loud bell spread across the entire campus, the campus suddenly arose with commotion and ruckus. Each building poured with students, laughing in groups towards the school gate.

"Luo Feng brother! Luo Feng brother*!" a thick voice said.

*This brother is one used in respect (not blood related kind)

"Feng, someone's calling for you"

In the midst of the group of students, a teenager who was holding a bookmark walked along with the students. He was wearing a regular blue sports uniform and was around 175 cm, and was a bit skinny. At this time, he hesitantly turned his head. The person calling for him was a guy around 190 cm with tiger-like shoulders and a bear-like waist. His biceps were even more brawny and astonishing.

"You are?" Luo Feng hesitantly watched his approach, not recognizing who was in front of him.

These two people: one sturdy and like a brown bear, while "Luo Feng Brother" was like a regular person.

And height...

The difference was immensely large. However, this broad shouldered, large waisted guy, seemed to display formality. He carefully looked at the "Luo Feng Brother" he admired.

"Looks like the rumors were right. Luo Feng brother is quite easy to talk to."

"Luo Feng brother, I... I have something that I need Luo Feng brother's help with."

"With what?" Luo Feng laughed.

"While I was training my fists, I felt like there was something wrong when I punched. I was wondering if brother had any time to give me any pointers."

The burly guy continued,

"According to the dojo teacher, with my strength, I should be able to release a punch that is over 50% in power. However, I can never reach that value at all."

The burly guy looked expectantly at Luo Feng.

"Oh... I see." Luo feng paused for a moment, nodding his head.

"Okay, this Friday during noon, find me at the dojo."

"Thank you brother. Thank you brother" The burly guy repeatedly thanked.

Luo Feng laughed a bit and then left with his friends.

Seeing that Luo Feng has left, the burly guy displayed his excitement. He clenched his fist, and as his bicep's veins were bursting, excitedly shouted out:


"Wow! Luo Feng brother agreed that easily?!" A boy wearing a school uniform exclaimed.

"The rumors are indeed true; Luo Feng brother is easy to talk to and is a good person" The burly guy grinned.

"But.... that's not right. In our 3rd high school*, in the 5000 students, only three are able to achieve the title of "Martial Arts Elite Student". In those three students, the other two are 'Zhang Hao Bai' and 'Liu Ting', but they are too prideful and aren't willing to use their time to guide us." The boy wearing the school uniform said doubtfully.

"But Luo Feng brother is this kind?"

*3rd is just the number of the high school, not their ranking or any of the sort.

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