Volume 6 - Chapter 8: The War Between Humanity And Monsters

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"#1, follow the disc shaped fighter jet in the very front!" commanded Luo Feng.

The black suit on Luo Feng instantly started to change. Soon enough, it completely disappeared, revealing the white collared shirt within. Luo Feng took off the white shirt and revealed the black vest within. Throwing knives danced as they flew out of the vest.

Huhu~~ they quickly assembled, forming the soaring shuttle.

"The amount of monsters in the sea monster horde will be uncountable, so my golden silk net will just get in the way" thought Luo Feng to himself. He didn't bring his golden silk net, because it is only useful in a 1v1 situation!

The black membrane covered his entire body and swiftly transformed into the shape of a battle uniform set.

A black helmet even appeared on his head!

"Fellow wargods" a sound carried from the tactical communications watch, "I am Li Da Wei, I am Li Da Wei, 50 more seconds to arrive at the front lines"

"There are an uncountable amount of sea monsters ahead. Fellow powerful wargods, please enter the front lines and assist the army in fending off this time's monster tide. Wargods with 'Black God sets' could try and enter the horde to attack within"

"We have arrived!"

After hearing this sound from his tactical communications watch, Luo Feng quietly said: "#1, open the hatch"


The hatch opened. Luo Feng, who had his black uniform set on his body, helmet on his head, and ghost blade on his back, stepped onto the soaring shuttle and directly flew out. After that, the auto jet closed its hatch and then hovered in midair.

Fighter jets swiftly landed in the forward base below. This forward base was blocking a region of the Huangpu river. This region was completely clogged with large amounts of boulders and reinforced steel. A miniature military base built out of reinforced steel was built on top!

Large amounts of cold light fired out of large, sturdy cannons.

"So this is a grade one monster tide!" Luo Feng was hovering on his soaring shuttle around 1,000 meters above the ground and was completely stunned as he looked below.

The Huangpu river was an important passage for the limitless sea monsters in the south eastern sea to attack the mainland through. For dozens of years, tons of sea monsters caused the Huangpu river's depth and width to become even more astonishing than it was before the Grand Nirvana period! Who knew how many sea monsters were lying in wait in the great Huangpu river.

And the military base here was clogging up the entire Huangpu river!

So the monsters can't get past!

And now——

"RUMBLE~~" as if the sky was going to fall and the earth was going to shatter, the sound of cannon fire rumbled throughout the area.

Densely packed sea monsters of all types covered the entire ground as they either flew out or crawled out from within the Huangpu river. Within these monsters were ferocious arthropod type monsters, crawling type monsters which were most familiar with the land, peculiar cnidaria type monsters, echinoderm type monsters, and tons of tons of fish type monsters!

The monsters in the sea are at least 10 times more horrifying than the ones on land!

One, there are tons of them. Two, they have extremely odd abilities!

For example, just look at the shrimp type and crab type monsters within the arthropod group. Before the Grand Nirvana period, thousands of different species of shrimp and crabs have been discovered. If you count in the ones that haven't been discovered, there are probably tens of thousands of different species! After mutating, the shrimp type and crab type monsters have reached an even more astonishing number. And this is even more so the case for cnidaria types and echinoderm types.

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