Infliction | two

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(not proofread)

The automatic doors opened and the paramedics pushed the gurney in the direction of the two doctors. From his view, Luke could see lots of small scrapes and some larger cuts on the girl's body, her shirt had been cut off by the paramedics and a previously white bandage had been covered over the gunshot wound. Her arms just tightly wrapped around the area with her hands gripped tightly to a sheet that was covering her.

"Hi, sweetheart. My name is Luke, I'm a doctor and we're gonna help you." He smiled and helped to push the gurney into the awaiting trauma room.

"On my count.. 1... 2.. 3." The young girl was transferred from the gurney to the hospital bed, groaning loudly. Her arms were tightly gripped over the bandage of the wound.
"Shh, I know I know. Can you tell me your name?" In the meantime, while he waited on a response from the young girl, he grabbed her wrist to take her pulse. "Heart rate is low, let's get her hooked up to monitors, please. Does she have an IV in?"

"No, Doctor." He took another glance at the girl when she hadn't responded with a name yet, also glancing to see her vitals again. He then looked at the bandage on her abdomen and realized blood was soaking through it.

"Shit. More gauze please."

"What's your name, sweetheart?"

"G.. Gabi"

"Gabi, that's a wonderful name. We're gonna get you all fixed up, don't you worry. Do you remember how this happened?" But just as she went to respond two individuals burst into the room, shocking everyone.

"It happened at our hotel."
"She got shot at the park!"

They both shouted at the same time. Ashton and Luke shared a confused look before turning toward the two individuals.

"And you are?"

"Her parents"

Luke sighed and shook his head. "Let's get an IV line in please with fluids and pain meds, and more fresh gauze." He took another glance at the two individuals still standing in the doorway. "And someone get those two fucking out of here."

"Yes, Dr. Hemmings." A standby nurse immediately started to usher the pair out of the room.

Luke sighed and turned back towards the inflicted girl on the bed. There was something in his gut, a bad feeling about the parents.

He hoped he was wrong but he had a suspicion that they had something to do with the gunshot to her abdomen.

But for right now his focus needed to remain on Gabi.

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