Infliction | Seven

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(not proofread)

"Wow, you look like you saw a ghost," Ashton commented when he saw Luke finally walk into the scrub room.

"I have. It's called the Bakers.. well Gabi excluded from that narrative."

Ashton sighed looking at his friend. "You're getting attached again, Lukas."

"Okay, first of all not my name. And secondly, I'm not attached, I'm concerned there's a huge difference. I'm convinced that Gabi's parents want her dead or harmed."

"Woah woah, wait a fucking minute. First, you accuse them of abuse without any real physical evidence, and now you're saying they have a plot to murder her. Have you lost your damn mind, Luke? Do
I need to get you a psych consult?"

"I'm being fucking serious, Ash. You always tell me to go with my gut instinct on everything, well I'm going with my gut. Something is not right."

Ashton sighed and focused on scrubbing his hands. He does admit that Gabi's parents do seem a little.. out there to put it lightly, but for Luke to accuse such heinous crimes like murder without providing much evidence isn't something that sits comfortably.

"Did you hit your head recently? I know everything has been crazy lately."

"No, I didn't fucking hit my head, Ashton. I'm telling you my gut instinct that something is not right between Gabi and her parents. They're more than likely the cause of all this, I mean they fucking seemed pretty excited asking if Gabi could die from not having the bullet removed."

Okay and Ashton does also have to admit that one is unlike anything he's ever heard before, which is shocking since he's been in the medical field for quite some time.

"So what are you gonna do about it?" The older asked his friend.

"What else can I do? I don't think there's much that can be said without a confession from Gabi."

That was one of the harder things. Ashton had seen his fair share of abuse cases with being a more trauma-based surgeon. Luke had every power to report these suspicions to authorities, but if they were to talk to Gabi and she insisted that such allegations were false, even if they weren't, then really their hands were tied.

"Maybe try and get psych down? I'm sure Cal could be able to help, he has added training in psychology."

Luke raised his eyebrows. "A psych consult for my abused patient? Oh, that's real great, Ash."

"Luke, you know what I mean."

"We're supposed to report any suspicions of abuse, Ash. We signed up for that when we took the oath."

Ashton sighed and switched off the sink, turning to his friend before he headed into the OR. "They are her parents, Luke. They wouldn't just want to kill her."

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