Infliction | twenty

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(not proofread. can't promise it doesn't suck ahead)


"Are you sure it's okay for me to leave?" Gabi asked once Luke began to disconnect her from the monitor and IV line. She had been put on those after her vasovagal syncope episode happened, to which Dr. Clifford, whose name she learned as Michael, explained that it was all precautionary measures.

It was now just a little over three hours after that incident. They of course ran labs and all the necessary tests to make sure it was nothing more than a stress response.

"Yes, hun. I'm more than sure it's okay for you to leave. I mean unless you'd like to stay in the ER," Luke laughed a bit.

"Nope, I'm all good with that,"

"Good. Then let's get you out of here and settled into your home."


That was something she hadn't thought much about, everything had happened so quickly today. Could Luke's house even be considered home?

She had lived with her parents her entire life, and never would she have thought that this would happen. She never imagined that the ones she loved the most would be the ones that hurt her the most. How contradicting.

"Hey," Luke spoke softly to her and nudged her shoulder once he saw she had zoned out after he was trying to get her attention. "Are you okay? Do you need more time?"

"No, no, I'm okay. I should be fine, thank you though."

"Are you sure? I know this is more than likely a lot for you and we don't have to rush into anything. You can just take all the time you need."

Gabi smiled and looked up at Luke. "I am okay and ready to leave this place."

The older surgeon nodded with a smile and grabbed Gabi's hand with his, his other picking up her small bag of belongings. Her discharge papers had already been signed and all that was left to do now was take her to her new home.

It was a big change for all of them and one that would take a bit to adjust for all of them, Gabi especially. She was leaving the family that she had known since she was a baby and moving in with strangers that she met last week. Her surgeon and social worker at that.

How insane.

But Gabi decided that maybe she shouldn't dwell on the past so much, after all this was her new life now. One that would hopefully be different from her parents. It was up to her now to break the cycle.

"Gabs?" She heard Luke call, breaking her from her trance. "Are you okay? You look a little dazed and I don't want you having another vasovagal episode. Do you need to sit down, hun?"

"Luke," she smiled and looked over at him. "I'm okay, just trying to process it all in."

"Oh, right I should've known that. Sorry, sometimes I think I'm in the surgeon-doctor mindset way too much."

"It's fine, it's kind of nice and different actually. Having someone who cares so much."

Luke squeezed her hand. "I'm just glad to see you're okay. You know it's crazy, my friends always say I get too attached to my patients but I don't know... there was just something special about you, Gabi."

Things were silent between them as they walked through the hospital to get to the staff parking garage, so they could find Luke's car.

"When did you realize that I was being abused? Because I didn't even realize it," Gabi spoke up after a few minutes of silence.

"Well," Luke paused to hold the door open for her, the one for the connecting hallway that lead to the parking garages. "We as doctors are trained to look for and recognize signs of abuse much like the ones your parents and yourself displayed. I am also legally required to report any suspicions of abuse that I have."

"So that's why all those people and your wife kept coming to talk to me with all those questions?"

"Essentially yes. It was just hard on our part because you kept denying the abuse and CPS didn't find any probable cause with your parents, so until your confession today my hands were tired."

"Wow," Gabi breathed out. "This all has happened so fast for me and I'm still trying to process so much, but thank you for I guess never giving up on your gut feeling despite me pushing you away each time."

"Gabi", he stopped walking with her so he could give her his full, undivided attention. "You don't have to thank me for anything that has happened in the past week. I'm just glad that I may have even had the slightest chance in helping you to confess, it takes a lot of bravery to do something like that and I'm proud of you for speaking out and seeking help."

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