Infliction | four

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(not proofread but double update)

Luke sat in the computer room of the CT scan area, waiting with Ash for Gabi's scans to pop up on the screen. His mind was still wandering as to how these events took place since Gabi didn't give him a straight answer; he was starting to come up with his own scenarios.

The surgeon knew that he shouldn't be thinking this and he should primarily be focused on the medical issues with Gabi, but he just couldn't help it.

There was something about this case that was pulling him towards it each second that passed.

"You okay?" Ashton questioned, taking his eyes off the screen for a second to look at Luke.

"Yeah... just thinking about this whole situation with her injuries and the reaction from her parents."

"Her parents?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Oh yeah, you were focused on the GSW. I'll tell you though."

So Luke began to explain what happened with Gabi's parents bursting into the room and how both of them had different explanations about how the GSW happened. He also explained how Gabi kept repeating how everything was an accident.

He thought the entire situation was odd, but Ashton didn't think the same.

"I don't know, man. I think you read too far into things sometimes, you know?"

"What the fuck are you talking about?" Luke shook his head. "She could be being abused, man."

"Luke, that's a serious allegation. They could just be panicked parents and are flustered from this thing happening to their daughter."

Luke rolled his eyes. "Please. They're that upset that they both have two different stories as to how their daughter was shot? I mean if one of them had accidentally left out a few details then maybe I'd believe it. But two completely different stories?"

Ashton stayed quiet for a moment, just clicking his pen. "Well, what did they say?"

"Mom says she got shot at the park and her dad said it happened at their hotel."

"They're probably just worried and scared, Lu. That's perfectly normal."

"Well, I still say there's something wrong."

Ashton just smiled and rubbed Luke's shoulder. "Remember that talk we had about you getting attached to patients?"

"Hey, I do not get attached!"

"Sure, bud." Ashton laughed and turned his focus to the screen once Gabi's CT scans for her brain appeared. Since she had a concussion, Luke wanted to get a scan to be sure that there was bleeding in the brain.

"Looks pretty clear to me," Luke commented after they had finished viewing the scans. They would monitor her for a couple of days to make sure there were no changes, plus the young girl would also be in hospital for a little bit.

Ashton smiled and saved the scans to her smile. "Now we have to deal with the GSW."

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