Infliction | eleven

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(not proofread)

"Okay, yeah I'll admit that her parents are odd, but you still can't just accuse them of abuse over one incident with her dad," Ashton spoke to Luke. The two had just sat down in the packed cafeteria for their lunch break. They were still working so if a page came in for either one of them, then they'd have to go to it.

"It hasn't been just one incident, Ash," Luke rolls his eyes. "There's been at least five that I can think of. You still don't find both of them having two separate stories for her GSW weird?"

"I don't know, man. They probably were just panicking about their child, isn't that normal?"

"Yes, it is. But it's not fucking normal to want your fucking child dead."

Ashton paused, taking a quick bite of his lunch and pondering what Luke just told him. "How do you know that?"

"Because her dad fucking said it! Were you really not listening outside of the waiting room? He literally said that they should've left her to bleed out."

"Yeah, that is concerning."

Luke raised an eyebrow at the doctor across from him. "Oh, now you think that?"

"Hey, relax I'm starting to see your point now, a little bit. No need to gloat," Ash laughed, tossing a french fry at Luke. "So what are you going to do about it then?"

"What can I do?

Ashton stayed silent again to consider Luke's question. Legally, they were required to report any suspicion of abuse to the proper authorities; usually a social worker or law enforcement. Yet, that didn't mean that even with the suspicion of abuse being reported and Gabi having to speak with someone regarding it, there was still the possibility that she could deny being abused.

At that point, it may be out of their control.

"Well, you could always talk with Calum and get his opinion or a consult. He is additionally trained in psych," Ashton answered.

"Yeah but... wouldn't that be weird if I was just like 'here talk to this guy from psych because I think you're being abused?'"

"Hmm maybe, but you know you have to report this. We're legally required to."

"No I know, I just worry that if I do report it and my suspicion is wrong what the aftermath of that may be."

"I get it, man," Ashton sighed. He was sure that it was a tough situation to be in, especially for Luke who always seemed attached to all his patients. "I mean you can't wait too much longer, but she will be groggy from anesthesia today. You could always report it today and just ask the social worker if they can talk to her tomorrow."

"Yeah.." Luke sighed again and tilted his head back so his view was now a bit more upside. He could see Michael walking towards their table with his lunch. The four of them tried to at least have lunch together when their busy schedules would allow it.

"Hello," Michael smiled and ruffled Luke's hair, the young surgeon scowling away. He put his tray down on the table and sat down, gently tossing his pager onto the table. "Ooo someone's grumpy."

"Not grumpy, just stressed about my patient."

"GSW patient?"

"She has a name, Michael." Luke rolled his eyes. "But yes that's who I'm talking about."

"Oh god. Not the whole attached thing again."

"You know you guys mock me but I'm sure there were patients you guys were attached to and had superstitions about."

"Yeah, when I was an intern," Ashton laughed. "No, but seriously, Luke. You're an attending now, you can't be getting attached to patients like this."

"This isn't about me getting attached to patients, Ash. This is about Gabi possibly being abused."

"Woah, hold on a minute," interrupted Michael. "I know you told me that the parents seemed a little out there, but now you're accusing them of abuse with hardly any evidence?"

"Oh come on, Mike. It's so obvious and there's legit physical evidence, plus what Gabi's dad said. You two are so blindsided, like seriously."

Michael sighed and leaned over to hug his friend. "We just don't want you to get hurt again, Lu."

"I know. And I just don't want Gabi to get hurt anymore."

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