Infliction | five

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(not proofread)

Luke happily volunteered to do most of Gabi's pre-op care while Ashton went to go search for their friend Michael Clifford, an anesthesiologist.

Since Gabi was technically a minor, Luke needed her parents to sign consent forms for the surgery to remove the bullet. But Luke talking to them with all his speculations about them was for sure to be interesting.

"Mr. and Mrs. Baker?" He walked up to the estranged couple, where they sat in the waiting room.

He had learned from Gabi that her last name was Baker and what her birthdate was. From there he was able to pull up her medical records that were very bare, with no signs of any recent physicals or vaccinations within the past 5 years.

The one thing that stood out was two visits to the ER in the same year 3 years ago; one for a suspected fractured jaw and the other for severe burns on her arms and legs.

Neither of those things sat well with Luke, especially if her parents were the masterminds behind this.

"Yes?" Mrs. Baker smiled. "Can we help you, dr? Is Gabriella alive?"

That's an odd question, Luke thought. Gabi was in a pretty stable condition the last time the bakers saw her nearly an hour and a half ago. For Mrs. Baker to question or suggest that Gabriella may not be alive was peculiar, she seemed eager about it.

"Um, yes, Gabi is alive and stable. Her vitals were a little lower than when she first came in but she is still very alert to us. I just came by with some consent forms-"

"Consent forms?" Mr. Baker cut him off, raising an eyebrow and scowling at Luke.

"Yes, consent forms. Gabi needs surgery to remove the bullet that entered her abdomen, since she is a minor we need you to sign consent forms allowing us to operate on her."

Mr. Baker sat up straighter and looked almost intrigued at this. "And what would happen if she didn't have the surgery? Will she die?"

The odd question again.

Luke was shocked that Gabi's father would ask that question, he truly believed they should be more worried about their daughter, yet they weren't. But it was just adding to his suspicion of some form of abuse.

"Um yes, she may," Luke paused, still trying to process that wretched question. "It may kill her, yes. There is also the risk of infection from the bullet or if the bullet causes any wounds that we are unable to close. Lead or metal poisoning from the bullet is also a great risk."

Mrs. Baker sighed and looked at her husband. "We can't do it, Tom. Not yet at least."

"I know, Nancy," he rolled his eyes. "Just give me the damn papers, doc. We'll sign your stupid form."

Luke bit his lip awkwardly and passed Mr. Baker the clipboard of papers and a pen, directing him where to sign and what areas to initial.

"Thank you," Luke smiled politely as possible and collected the papers. "One of my nurses will be out to update you as the surgery goes on and once she's in recovery."

With that he quickly exited the room, their words still echoing loudly in his head.

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