Infliction | ten

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(not proofread)

It was an hour after and Gabi was just brought to the ICU instead of the recovery room for better monitoring, because of the circumstances that happened. For the most part, everything after the incidents went okay, they had managed to stabilize Gabi.

Ash and Luke did fix the tear in her liver successfully. They were also successful with removing the bullet, after that, cleaning out the wound and stitching everything up. And despite all the blood that she lost, she just slipped by with not needing a blood transfusion.

Michael had surprisingly also gotten the anaphylactic shock under control to the best of his ability. Oddly, it was almost like a relief knowing that she was allergic to Propofol. It would now be charted down in her file, and god forbid she'd ever need surgery again; they'd be a bit more prepared this time.

It was also a relief for them to have Gabi know in case she needed surgery and did not come to this specific hospital again, that way she'd be able to inform the surgical team of her allergy.

"Are you almost finished?" Luke whined to Ashton. He was currently waiting for the older surgeon to scrub out so they both could inform Gabi's parents about the surgery. He was almost hoping to catch The Bakers in the act so Ash would see what he was seeing.

"Yes, relax. God, you're so impatient sometimes."

"Am not," Luke pouted.

"Yeah you are," Ash laughed, finishing scrubbing out. "Did you eat yet? You're kinda cranky."

"Nah I didn't get a chance since Gabi's trauma call happened and then we had to go into surgery. I'll probably go to the cafeteria after we talk to the Bakers. If you want to join, Mike and Cal can join too."

Ash smiled and followed Luke out of the scrub room. "Yeah, sounds good. Oddly enough I think I need some good ole greasy food after that surgery," he laughed.

The duo walked out of the restricted area of the ORs and down to the surgical waiting room for people's loved ones to wait. He could hear the voices of the Bakers, and although he knew it was morally wrong to eavesdrop on them, yet he couldn't help but listen further once he knew they were speaking about Gabi.

"What are we going to do if she survives this, Tom?"

He heard Tom sigh in response to his wife. "I'm not sure, Nancy, but something has to be done for sure. Next time we do this you can't panic and call 911, we should've just ditched her to bleed out somewhere."

Luke couldn't believe what he was hearing. It seemed to him that they were openly talking about doing this purposely to Gabi, which he had already suspected, but to hear Gabi's father coldly say those words with no remorse in his voice whatsoever.

He turned to Ash. "Did you hear that?"

"Hear what?"

"Gabi's parents," Luke elaborated. "Her dad pretty much just gave a confession to doing all this purposely to Gabi. Did you not hear any of that?"

"Luke, I have no idea what you're talking about."

The younger surgeon just rolled his eyes yet again and made his way into the waiting room. "Mr. and Mrs. Baker?" He was having such a difficult time standing in front of Mr. Baker, knowing all he heard.

"Yes?" Mrs. Baker spoke.

"Hi, remember me? I'm Dr. Hemmings, one of the surgeons working on your daughter Gabi today. This is Dr. Irwin, my colleague. He assisted me with Gabi's surgery today. While everything did go somewhat smoothly in the end, some complications arose."

"Is she dead?" Asked Mr. Baker. Luke caught the sight of a slight hopeful gleam in his eyes.

"Um, no. She's not." This time Ashton was the one who spoke. "She is stable in the intensive care unit for additional monitoring, but is expected to make a full recovery." Luke could see the hope disappear from Mr.
Bakers eyes.

"There was a lot more bleeding than we expected and there was damage to her liver from the bullet," he continued. "We were successful in removing both the bullet and fixing the tear in her liver, however, she also suffered from an allergic reaction to the anesthetic medication."

"So she's going to live?" Mrs. Baker sighed.

"We expect she'll make a full recovery, yes."

"When can we see her?" Mr. Baker's expression had switched to an annoyed one.

"They're still getting her situated into the ICU, but once she is all settled a nurse should be here to escort you there. The ICU is a locked ward so you'll need visitor's passes to get in, which the nurse should have for you once they stop by."

After an exchange of handshakes, the duo of surgeons left the room. Luke couldn't help but continue to hear those words from Mr. Baker over and over again in his head.

We should've just left here to bleed out.

He turned to Ash. "Still think I'm just too attached?"

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