Infliction |thirty-three

598 19 16

(not proofread so please be kind if it doesn't make sense)


Friday night and Gabi sat with Sierra in Luke's room, both holding a hand of his. Visiting hours were nearly hour and Gabi did not want to leave at all, for she knew what tomorrow would bring.

The damned court-ordered visitation with her parents.

"Do I really have to see them tomorrow?" Gabi whined softly and laid her head against Luke's bed rail.

"Yes, I wouldn't be making you go if I had a choice."

"But you do have a choice."

"No, Gabi, I don't. I have to abide by the court order for the time being or I could potentially get in serious trouble with the judge."

"In trouble?"

"Yes, I could be held in contempt of the court and could face fines or potential jail time depending on the judge."

Gabi didn't want that to happen. She loved Sierra and she could not lose her as well.

So, with that, she decided that the best thing was to just suck it up and visit her parents tomorrow, no matter how bad it may be. She needed to do this to keep Sierra and Luke.

When they returned home after saying Goodnight to Luke, and Ashton who was working a Night Shift, Gabi decided to turn in early for bed that night for she had a long day ahead of her tomorrow.


It was now the next day, Saturday, which meant it was time for the first supervised visit with her parents and Gabi had gotten herself worked up into a frenzied panic

What if they tried to hurt her again? I mean sure it was supposed to be 'supervised' visits but that didn't mean they couldn't try. She wouldn't put it past them to attempt to still try to harm her even in a police station.

"I'll be right out here waiting for you, okay?" Sierra smiled and sat down in the lobby of the police station after hugging Gabi one more time.

Gabi nodded and headed to the room where the visit was being held. The police and the courthouse had their own rules and agreements, this being one of them along with Sierra not being allowed in on the visitation.

When Gabi first walked into the room and closed the door behind her, she noticed there was no police officer in the room or another third party. She was under the impression that these were to be supervised visits, yet the only other people in the room were her parents.

There was also a small ceiling camera in the corner of the room, but she had to wonder if someone was actually watching it or if it was just there for show.

"Oh Gabriella, we've missed you so much." Her mother's sickeningly false voice made her feel nauseous. If she had eaten anything for breakfast that morning, she probably would've vomited all back up when her mother had pulled her into a hug, the sharpness of her nails digging into Gabi's skin.

"Yes, we did miss our little girl very much," Gabi's father agreed and roughly placed his hand on her shoulder.

"Stop it," Gabi shrieked and ripped herself away from the duo. "You hurt me!"

"Hurt you? What have they been telling you in that house? They've been feeding you lies. Everything we did to you we did out of love because you know you needed to be disciplined."

"No, it wasn't. You abused me, Luke told me."

"Oh, Luke hm?" Gabi could hear and see the disgust her mother spat when she spoke about Luke. "He took you from us."

"No! He saved me from you. There's a difference."

"Yeah? And where is he now?" Her father questioned with venom dripping in his voice. "Oh that's right," he smirked. " In a coma."

Gabi looked up at them confused. "How do you know about that?"

"Oh, we um, we heard it on the news. It's so tragic, I know."

"But we never spoke to anyone from the news."


"Well, then you surely must know who harmed him. If you could just tell us so we can tell the police and he can get justice." Gabi reasoned.

"Gabriella, don't be fucking stupid." Her father laughed. "We did it."


"We hit his car with ours and pushed him off into the ditch on the highway. We wanted him to suffer for taking you from us and look like he has so far."

"Oh my god! I have to go tell Sierra!" She rushed over and reached her hand over the door handle, yet her father was quicker.

He roughly pulled her back and pushed her towards her mother. "No, Gabriella. You will do no such thing if you don't want anyone else to end up like that Lukas guy. Are we clear?"

"But you tried to kill him!

"And we will do the same thing to anyone else you love if you open your big mouth up about what he said," her mother sneered. "So again, are we clear?"

Gabi gulped, she didn't want anyone else to get hurt because she told of her parents' wrongdoings. She couldn't lose anybody else.

Her bottom lip began to quiver but she knew better than to cry in front of her parents.
"Yes, ma'am."

When the grueling and terrifying two hours of the visit were finally over, after her parents threatened her maybe another 10 times through the entire thing, Gabi met up with Sierra.

"Hey." she stood up and smiled, pulling Gabi into a hug. "How'd it go? Are you okay? Did they do anything to you?"

Gabi shook her head and looked up, her eyes glistening with tears and her mind still racing off the threats her parents drilled into her. "No. Everything went great."

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