Infliction | seventeen

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(not proofread)

Luke looked over to Gabi from the nurse's desk as one of the nurses discussed discharge papers with her and her parents. It was bittersweet to him that she was already leaving. Granted, they only knew each other for a very short amount of time but he thought he would have had more time with her, at least enough to get a confession out of her.

He was still upset with Ashton about that. Since he still is, or was, one of the doctors for Gabi's care; he almost in a sense felt that Ash should've at least checked with him first.

"You excited to finally be out of here?" He smiled at Gabi, who seemed a little bored about the discharge papers. Honestly, he didn't blame her.

"To leave this place? Yeah, but I might still miss you."

"Well, like I said before you're always welcome to visit. Just not in the ER."

"That won't be necessary, Dr. Hemmings." Gabi's mother interrupted. "Gabriella will do just fine with not seeing you."

"She still needs to get her sutures removed," he argued.

"We'll handle that one on our own. Let's go, Gabi." She grasped Gabi's wrist and began to gently tug the young girl towards the exit.

Gabi turned around and looked at Luke helplessly. He could see the desperation in her eyes, screaming for a way out. He wanted to help her so badly, yet if she denied all accusations of abuse with CPS; then what more could he legally do?

Regardless of his suspicions, and clear evidence that they were true, if CPS didn't find his report of abuse to be valid then they'd send her straight back to the family. Which was exactly what they did.

He was beginning to wonder now, as Gabi walked disappeared with her parents that maybe just maybe, a small minuscule, that Ash was right.

He truly was just too fucking attached.


"I swear to god Gabriella- if you ever pull a stunt like that ever again," her mother sneered, gripping the young girl's upper arm tightly once they were out of the hospital and into the parking lot.

"A stunt like what?"

"Having CPS investigate you and us. Do you realize what kind of trouble we'd be in if they and those damn doctors knew that we did shoot you on purpose?!"

Gabi was stunned and planted her feet firmly on the ground, stopping dead in her tracks so she wouldn't be pulled by her mother anymore.

"Gabriella, let's go," her father chimes in. He looked around nervously to see if anyone was seeing their actions, but thankfully for them and not Gabi, nobody did. "Don't cause a scene, little girl."

"You shot me on purpose?" They told her that it was an accident, that they were unaware her father's gun was loaded and it accidentally fired off while he was cleaning it and shot her just as she entered the room.

They lied.

"Gabriella, don't be stupid," her mother laughed. "You actually still believe that we didn't mean to shoot you?! Everything we do to you has a purpose."

Gabi shook her head. This was insane and she had to speak out and seek help. "You're liars. You're monsters. I need to go tell Luke!"

She picked up her feet and began to take off, running to the hospital doors in search of Luke or anyone.

But if only that was reality when she opened her eyes.

Instead, she stayed where she originally stood, running in place while her mother still grasped tightly onto her arm. Her acrylic nails dug into her skin.

"Let me go! You're sick people! I need to get help, you're hurting me!" People passing by were beginning to look over at the scene, but no one dared to even intervene. Dare asked Gabi if she needed help.

She would've said yes in a heartbeat.

"Nothing to see here, everyone. Please, she's mentally unstable and hasn't been taking her meds. We've got it all handled," her father explained. And damn did the people listen, not batting an eye at the scene and dispersing quietly.

She truly was fucking trapped now that she realized the truth and the small gathered crowd of people evidently believed her parents' lies.

So she did the one thing she could think of doing.

She screamed.

"Help! Help! They're going to hurt me!"

"Gabriella, I swear if you do not shut up this instance I swear to god I will-"

"You'll what? Shoot me again?!"

Her father snapped and immediately saw fury. "You little fucking brat."

"Hey!" A voice cut in. " What the hell is going on here?!

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