Infliction | twenty-one

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(happy holidays friends.)
(not proofread)

Luke and Gabi had finally left the hospital after their small moment in the hallway, and approximately 5 minutes of Gabi freaking out over Luke's precious car.

"Woah, this car is so cool'" she had smiled so big, referring to Luke's silver Bentley.

"Yeah, you like it? I guess all those years of schooling finally paid off," he laughed and opened the passenger door for her to get in, helping her inside also.

To say the least, Gabi was kind of in awe of it.

Still is.

"You're probably hungry right, hun?" Gabi nodded gently to his question. "We can grab takeout if you want."

"Um, sure, that should be fine."

"Is McDonald's okay then?" Luke asked, already merging into the correct lane to turn into the fast food restaurant.

"McDonald's?" Gabi smiled and raised her eyebrows inquisitively.

"Yeah, it's a fast food chain. Never had it?"

"No," she shrugged sheepishly. "My parents never allowed me to have junk food."

"Well, guess there's a first for everything then," he smiled. "Although I don't recommend McDonald's all the time, that's probably just the surgeon in me though."

"Well I've never had it so it might be gross to me," she laughed at him and leaned over to read the menu at the drive-thru. "Are the french fries okay?" As stated, she had never had McDonald's or any fast food, so she had no clue what was good and what wasn't.

"Yeah, they're good I think. McDonald's is kind of known for their fries."

"Okay, then I want that and maybe I could try some chicken nuggets too, but I'm not sure I could eat both of them. I get full very easily.. not used to a lot of food."

"Well, I think that's what I'm gonna get so I don't mind sharing with you," he smiled and turned to tell the person on the speaker their order. "Did you want a drink, Gabs? They have soda."

Soda. That was one of the forbidden foods when Gabi lived with her parents, and even though she was no longer in their care, she still feared that if she drank soda they would somehow find out about her wrongdoings and come after her.

"I'll just have water with ice, thank you," she smiled.

Luke nodded gently and gave the rest of the order, then drove ahead in the drive-thru line. He knew that he shouldn't dwell on it too much, but his mind kept wandering to some of the things Gabi spilled out.

For instance, not being allowed to eat junk food or getting full quite easily. It probably meant nothing truly, but it didn't sit right with Luke considering all the allegations against her parents.

But none of that mattered now since Gabi was in his care, for the most part permanently, he hoped.

Once they had received their food, the duo began the drive to Luke and Sierra's house; and now Gabi's.

"I think I told you already, but Sierra should be home later in the evening," Luke smiled and glanced over at Gabi for a second.

"Yes, you did, but thank you for letting me know again."

The surgeon smiled. "I hope things aren't too overwhelming for you once we get to the house, we can always pause and take a break if need be. Don't want you to pass out on me again."

"Well, at least you'd know what to do so hopefully I wouldn't have to go back to the ER," Gabi joked."

"That is true. Umm.. we do have a dog if that's okay, her name's Petunia. She can be a little chaotic to put it politely, especially meeting new people, but if need be I can always put her in her at-home kennel until you're ready for her."

"No, no. It's fine, I love doggies. Never been near any though."

"You've never been near a dog? Well, how can you be so sure you love them?"

The young girl shrugged. "I think love is such a special thing that you just sometimes know it."


"What the hell are we going to do, Tom?" Nancy Baker asked her husband. The pair were at Los Angeles City Jail, awaiting to post bail. "I can't believe Gabi put those fucking doctors up to this."

"Well, maybe that's the problem, Nance," Tom responded gruffly. He was pissed off about this whole situation. They did not abuse Gabriella.

So fucking what if they wanted her gone.

"That asshole doctor is meddling in our business, Tom. And now we don't have Gabi nor can we get rid of her because of him.

Tom huffed and look at his wife. "I know, Nance, but we're running out of options here. In case you haven't looked around we're in a holding cell on allegations of abuse."

"Well, we need to do something. She's becoming too much of a problem, Tom. I wish I had never panicked and brought her to the hospital when you fired that gun. Now that nosy Dr. Hemmings is ruining everything."

"Well then, if the only way to get rid of her is to get rid of him as well, then what do we got to lose?"

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