Infliction | twenty-five

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(not proofread)


Gabi closely followed behind Michael as they weaved in and out throughout the hospital.

Michael was gracious and hesitant, enough to declare that Gabi did not need to be seen in the ER by anyone following her panic attack. But that didn't mean he wasn't keeping a close eye on her.

"Um, Michael, I think you might be hovering... not to be rude," Gabi smiled slightly at the doctor.

"Oh, sorry. I just want to make sure you're okay."

"Yeah, I'm fine. I don't think a panic attack can do much damage anyways."

"In some instances, it can, but I won't scare you with those because you've got nothing to worry about. I know exactly what to look for."

"You're pretty smart then," Gabi laughed.

"I try," Michael shrugged. "Surprised I made it through med school because I fucking hated it."

They turned a couple more corners and soon stood in front of Sierra's closed office door, where Michael gently knocked.

"She should be back by now," Michael commented after a few minutes.

"Maybe she went to get lunch or something."

"No, no, she wouldn't just do that. She knew that you were coming here."

"Well, what if she forgot about me?"

"Gabi, relax. She didn't forget about you, I promise. Luke and Sierra love you."

Gabi nodded and rubbed her eyes to stop herself from tearing up again. "I guess so.."

"They do, Gabs. Trust me. They have so much love and adoration for you."

Gabi nodded again. It's not that she doubted the love Sierra and Luke had for and given her, but more of the fact that she was beginning to suspect she was a problem for them.

She hadn't even lasted two hours into the school day before she had to go home. Surely, they'd be sick of her antics quickly.


Gabi turned her head and saw Sierra, in her heels, rushing down the hallway. "Are you okay? I'm so sorry I couldn't come to get you, I got the phone call but was stuck with patients." She came over and gently touched Gabi's shoulder. "Are you hurt?"

"N-no, I don't think so."

"What happened?"

"I just don't think I'm ready for school yet... There was a lot of stuff said about me today."

Sierra leaned in and hugged the young girl cautiously. "Then that's perfectly okay. If you're not ready to return to school, there are other ways around it. Luke and I don't mind you coming here with us to do online school if that's what you want."

"Can I at least try it first? Maybe see if I like it."

"Of course, hun. Whatever is comfortable for you okay?"

Sierra sent a thank you to Michael and then ushered Gabi down the hall with her. "I assume you didn't have any lunch yet, correct?"

"You'd be right."

"Well then, let's go get some. I'll text Luke and maybe he'll be able to join us once he's out of surgery."

"Do you um.. do you think I should talk to Calum?" Gabi questioned Sierra.

"Calum? I'm not sure, honey. He is trained in psychology. Do you think you'd like to talk to him? I'm sure a lot is going on in that precious mind of yours with everything that happened."

"Well, it's just that Luke bought it up yesterday and said it'd be good to talk to him, so I'm just unsure if I should talk to him."

"Well, it's up to you, love. We will support you through whatever of course."

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