Infliction | twelve

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(not proofread)

Luke had finished his lunch break with his friends and now was making his way through his afternoon rounds with his group of interns. His shift was ending in a few hours and he'd probably do another round of checking on his patient before exchanging shifts with the night team.

"How much longer are we going to be, Dr. Hemmings?"

Luke turned around and raised an eyebrow at the intern. "If you're going to be a doctor, then you might want to rethink that attitude."

"Yes, Dr. Hemmings. Sorry."

Luke just rolled his eyes and turned around, continuing walking towards his next patient; Gabi.

She was in the ICU for the night due to the extent of the bleeding and the allergic reaction, but Luke was perfectly fine with that. Even though he was going home for the night, he knew that the ICU staff was the best and Gabi would be in safe hands.

Of course, he would still tell them to call or page him if anything happens during the night.

He swiped his hospital ID badge to get into the locked doors of the ICU and held the door open for his small group of interns to walk ahead of him.

"Hey, Rosalina," he smiled at one of the nurses. Personally, he believed that the ICU nurses were simply just the best, but he admired everyone he worked with in the hospital.

"Hello, Luke," she smiled back. "You're still here? I thought you would've gone home hours ago."

"Yeah, I'm still here, three hours to go. You can't just get rid of me that easy, Rosie," he laughed and grabbed Gabi's chart to check on any recent updates or notes from the ICU team.

"Ohh so you're the doctor for Miss Baker. She doesn't have a doctor besides you in her chart so I was just curious."

Luke smiled, continuing to read over the notes from the nurses. Gabi was still asleep, but he almost expected that considering everything that went on in the OR. He was going to order another set of labs just to make sure her blood cell count was in the normal range and she truly didn't need a blood transplant.

He looked up to the awaiting interns. "Who can present the patient to me?"


"No one? Come on you guys are supposed to familiarize yourself with each patient we see." He rolled his eyes once more and handed the chart to one of the interns, folding his arms. "I'll give you two minutes to familiarize yourself with the case," he to his watch. "Starting now."

He watched as the interns scrambled around and fumbled with the chart for a few seconds before beginning to read it. The chart itself was pretty bare besides details about Gabi's surgery and how she was brought to the ER. Plus combined with the fact that they still really knew nothing about her medical history, except for the allergy to Propofol which they learned about that one in the OR.

"You're so mean to them sometimes, Luke," Rosie laughed.

"Heyy, they have to learn somehow. That's the way I was trained."

"I know but you always seem like you're torturing them."

"I gotta get my fun in somehow, Rosie," he laughed.

Sure enough, the two minutes were up and he was quick to ask the interns for information regarding Gabi. Granted, he already knew everything but this would hopefully help them learn in the long run.

One of the interns from the back of the group spoke up. "Um, Gabi Baker, 16 years old, was brought in earlier for a GSW to the abdomen and combined vehicle crash. She underwent surgery earlier today performed by you and Dr. Irwin. She was given Propofol as the general anesthetic which was later discovered that she's allergic too."

"On top of that," another intern continued. "She had a substantial amount of blood loss from the laceration on her liver. She also has a concussion with no report of internal brain bleeding from the car crash but is being monitored for that. Vitals were last reported in the normal range."

Wow, Luke was sort of impressed. It seemed that they had paid attention and listened to him for once, which was surprising since they were such a young and fresh group of interns.

He turned and started walking to Gabi's room, motioning for the interns to follow him. Gabi, as stated in her chart, was still sleeping peacefully. Her vitals were a perfect display of that.

"Gabi, sweetheart," Luke walked over and gently rubbed her arm to elicit a response from her. She groaned. "Gabi, it's Dr. Hemmings. I need you to wake up for me now."

He was expecting her awake by now considering the surgery ended hours ago, but he was sure that the combination of the bleeding from her liver and an allergic reaction was tiring on her body. Plus mixed with the fact that she was here for a GSW/vehicle crash situation.

Gabi's eyes slowly blinked open and stared straight up at Luke. "Hm?"

"Hello," Luke smiled. "Remember me? You had surgery, Gabi."


"Yes, you had surgery to remove the bullet in your abdomen. There were, however, some complications."


"Yes, Gabi. You had a lot of bleeding from a tear in your liver that was caused by the bullet. You also had an allergic reaction to the Propofol, the general anesthesia medication used to put you to sleep."

Gabi just blinked, sitting there silent. Either taking it all in or still trying to wake up.

"How're you feeling?" The doctor asked.


"Okay? No pain, hun?"

Gabi gently shook her head. "No, I don't feel anything."

"That's good I guess," Luke chuckled. "Means those pain meds are working.

"Yeah... just feel weird."

"That could be the anesthesia. Sometimes it can take people a while to fully wake up since some of it still can be in your system. You also had an allergic reaction to the anesthesia so that can be contributing as well."

"Sleep?" She asked, her eyes drooping ever so slightly.

"You want to sleep again? Yeah, that should be fine, hun. Probably want to sleep off the rest of the anesthesia," he smiled. "I'm heading home soon so I just wanted to check on you before then, but I'll be back early in the morning. You should be moved out of the ICU tomorrow and onto a regular ward if everything goes okay overnight."

Gabi just nodded, her eyes dropping more and Luke could tell she was getting tired. "Your parents would also like to see you."

She was quick to wipe it away, but Luke saw it. A single tear still lingered in her eye once her parents were mentioned.

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