Infliction | twenty-six

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(not proofread. I apologize if this doesn't make sense reading)
(also this is me warning you all for what's to come in this chapter. Good luck.)

*two weeks later*

It's been two weeks since Gabi started online and things have improved immensely for her. It was much less taxing for her mental health. Sure, some of the classes she did struggle with, but Luke and Sierra happily helped her out.

Today, she sat in Luke's office waiting for him while doing her schoolwork. He was supposedly getting off his shift earlier than usual today, and the duo was supposed to go out and do something until Sierra finished her shift.

"Hey Gabs," Luke smiled and walked into the office, his stethoscope in hand. "Are you ready to go? I'm about to clock out and figured I'd grab you first. That way we can just go home."

"Yeah, that's fine," Gabi smiled and stood up to unplug her laptop charger from the wall outlet. "Can we maybe go to Starbucks too? I have some money I can use. "
She had taken a strong liking to the coffee chain after Luke first introduced her to it.

"Gabs," Luke laughed. "I don't need your money, but yes, we can go to Starbucks."

The young teen smiled happily and then finished packing the rest of her things into her backpack, waiting for Luke while he packed some of his things.

"Where's Sierra?"

"She's still working for a bit, got caught up with some patients. Don't worry, she'll be home a bit later than us though."

Gabi nodded and followed Luke out the door of his office. She knew briefly that it was a bit of a walk to get to the staff locker room where Luke needed to clock out.

"So, what do you fancy doing after we get out of here?"

"I don't know," Gabi shrugged with a smile and opted to change the subject. "Sierra said I can assist in helping cook dinner tonight."

"I heard. You must be excited about that. I know I am," Luke laughed.

"I wouldn't say I'm excited as much as I am nervous."

"Nervous? How so? I'm sure you'll do great."

"I just don't want to mess up... the last time I cooked for my family, I burnt myself and that didn't go over so well with my parents."

"Well, I can assure you that none of that will ever happen here. You're safe, Gabs."

"Thank you. I don't tell you nearly enough how grateful I am to you and Sierra for taking me in."

"You don't need to thank us, Hun." He smiled and gave her a side hug. "We have loved our decision to foster you every second that goes by. Now come on, what do you want to do before Sierra gets out? Just you and me."

"Hmm, I don't know, maybe the trampoline park?"

"Nah, I wouldn't recommend it. I've seen way too many injuries from those places." Luke answered honestly. "What's that thing you kids say? It's a 0/10 for me?"

Gabi laughed loudly and shook her head. "Please, don't ever say that again."

The duo stayed silent for the rest of the walk to the locker room and Gabi took it as a time to appreciate Luke and his job. Looking around the hospital, she was beginning to realize how stressful it could be for the surgeon.

Their plans, however, were abruptly and rudely changed once the black box on Luke's waist began beeping.

"Shit," he groaned and grabbed the pager. "It's a 911 page. Sorry, Gabs, but I have to answer this."

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