Infliction | one

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( I hate this but I'm posting anyways for you besties 💗 )


Luke sighed and leaned back in his chair at the ER desk. He was stuck there doing paperwork for the time being, which in hindsight was actually a good thing. "Man, it's qui-" A hand immediately went over his mouth before he could finish his sentence.

"Don't you dare finish that fucking sentence, Hemmings." Ashton groaned, removing his hand from Luke's mouth afterward. They both knew that nothing good or peaceful could come from saying the dreaded 'Q' word in the ER.

"Right, sorry." Luke smiled sheepishly and glanced back to the massive pile of papers in charts and papers in front of him. It was going to be a long shift then with maybe the occasional patient or two every few hours, Luke had it all visioned out in his head.

Now don't get the young surgeon wrong, he loved having a break from the chaos that sometimes ensued at the hospital, yet, on the other hand, he also loved the thrill of saving someone's life and there was only so many ways he could do that with paperwork.

"Well I'm gonna go get a coffee then if I have to sit through this," he stretched and turned towards Ashton. "Want anything?" But before Ashton had a chance to respond both their pagers went off and a few nurses ran to the two surgeons in the ER.

"GSW to the abdomen, young female about 14-16. ETA is about 5 minutes out. Also, MVC involving the girl and her family." One spoke and rushed over to help prepare a bed for the incoming girl.

Ashton groaned and glanced at Luke. "Thanks a lot, man. You just had to say the fucking Q word." He stood up with his colleague and followed the nurses.

"I didn't even say the entire word."

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