Infliction | nine

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I do not work in medicine so I apologize if things may seem inaccurate, but a reminder that this is all purely fiction.)

(not proofread and shitty writing ahead)

Five minutes.

That's all it took.

They were only five minutes into the surgery when things went south.

"Shit," Michael cursed and stood up from his little anesthesiologist area.

"What?" Luke asked without looking up from the surgical site where he was assisting Ash. He did, however, look up once he heard a rapid beeping from the monitor, himself seeing a high heart rate.

"Damn, why is her heart rate so high?"

This in turn also caused Ashton to pause what he was doing and glance up quickly.  "BP could be a little higher too."

"Yeah, I know," Michael sighed. "Fast heart rate is typically a common side effect of Propofol. "

"She looks a little swollen too."

"Yeah. I'm hoping she isn't going into anaphylactic shock, maybe a bit of a rash here. But I've been keeping a close eye on vitals."

"Shit. Is it bad enough to need to stop the surgery?"

"No, I don't think so. Her oxygen is pretty stable and her airway doesn't seem to be obstructed, she is also already intubated. I'm gonna keep monitoring it though."

"You think somethings gonna happen?" Luke asked, raising his eyebrow inquisitively to Michael.

"I fucking hope not."

Luke just hummed to his friend and turned his attention back to Ashton and Gabi. There was more damage from the bullet than they originally thought and saw on the scans,

"Fuck," Ashton cursed. "There's more blood than I expected."

Luke held his hand out for the suction and was passed it by the scrub nurse. He began to suction the excess blood. "Where do you think it's coming from?"

"I'm thinking possibly a tear in the liver since that's what the bullet is closest to. And there was no exit wound when we checked."


And of course, as if that wasn't a big enough problem. Something else had to have happened.

Monitors began to beep and Luke glanced over to see her oxygen saturation dropping.


"Shit, fuck. Yeah, I know. I'm pushing one of epinephrine."

Luke just shook his head, feeling stressed. This was the part he despised when working in medicine, everything just seems to keep spiraling more and more out of your control.

He took a one-second glance off of the surgical site to glance over the blue shielded curtain and over to Gabi's face. Her face was all swollen and hives were creeping up on her face and neck.

Great. Just what they needed on top of the tear in the liver.

Fucking anaphylactic shock to the Propofol.

"Fucking hell. Should we stop surgery?" He knew the answer to this almost immediately, but maybe because it was Gabi he was asking twice.

"What?!" Ashton interjected. "We can't stop surgery. Are you insane? Her fucking liver is bleeding."  

"No I know, but the anaphylaxis too, Ash. She needs to live."

"Well, she's not gonna fucking live if you chose to stop helping me with the surgery. Michael has everything under control. Now stop being attached and get over here to help me."

Luke rolled his eyes. "I am not fucking attached. She's just different to me."

"Will both of you just shut up?" Michael spoke up. "This is a patient here. A damn life. So the two of you better get your shit together and save her life."

Luke signed and started to assist Ash with the bleeding and tear in her liver. "I'm sorry for being difficult."

"Yeah, me too, man."

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