Infliction | twenty-eight

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(not proofread)
(apologies if this does not make sense. this work is purely fictional)


Ashton was sitting at the nurse's desk in the ER when it happened.

"There's a vehicle crash coming in," one of the nurses spoke. "Just one occupant in the vehicle."

Ashton groaned and stood up to prepare for the incoming trauma. He couldn't complain too much considering he had a pretty smooth shift so far, so it would've been nice to get some sort of action. After all, trauma was his specialty.

He presumed since there was only one occupant in the vehicle that it could've been a drunk driver. That was the first thought that came to mind. He also thought it could be a first-time driver and maybe they had panicked and potentially crashed.

"Do we know anything about the patient?" He asked one of the few nurses that were lingering around, also waiting at the ambulance bay.

"Not much." They shook their head. "We only know that a Good Samaritan made the call. The driver and car were found in a ditch off the highway."

Ashton grimaced and shook his head. That didn't sound good to him. He wondered how long ago the accident had taken place, to how long the patient had been there before the Good Samaritan made the call. How many injuries had the patient accumulated?

Were they even still alive?

"Dr. Irwin?" A pair of interns walked over to him. "We need your help."

"Can't it wait? There's an incoming trauma."

"No, it'll only take a second."

"Fine. Make it quick."

He told the other medical personnel that he'd only be a few seconds and stepped aside with the interns.

Whilst he was finishing up with them is when the trauma patient arrived, and that's when he heard it.

"It's Hemmings!"

"What?!" He turned around to look, but the patient, or allegedly Luke, was already whisked away into a trauma room.

No. Surely that wasn't true. It couldn't be.

Surely he had just heard wrong or was tired, he refused to believe that Luke had gotten into an accident on his way home. It wasn't possible. It couldn't be him.

Perhaps purely it was a lookalike or coincidence.

Yet, sure enough, he was wrong, because there Luke lay on the bed, the same scrubs he was wearing during his shift now covered in blood. He was on a backboard and a c-collar had been placed on him.

But, the unfortunate thing was his eyes remained shut.

No sight of those bright blue eyes.

To say Ashton was in shock about seeing his best friend in this state was an understatement. He couldn't fathom what had happened to his best friend.

He didn't even look like his usual peppy self. The sight was terrifying to see.

He had just seen him two hours ago and now here he lay on a gurney. Not moving, yet breathing thankfully.

"Dr. Irwin?" One of the interns, whom he was previously with, called to him when they saw that he was just standing there.

"Shit, um, sorry but I-I gotta go. I gotta go to um a trauma." He turned away from them and headed towards the trauma room, yet he just couldn't bring himself to go inside.

Ashton quickly unclipped his pager from his waist and paged both Calum and Michael with a 911 page to the ER.

He was starting to panic. He felt sick and nauseous once he saw Luke in that state.

This was their best friend.

Their brother.

He knew that he should be helping the team in the trauma room with Luke, but he just couldn't bear to see that sight again. That sight of Luke with his eyes closed and covered in so much blood.

He looked so.. so lifeless.

"Dr. Irwin? Aren't you coming to help? You're the best at trauma patients."

He looked over at whoever was calling his name. "No, I-I can't," he shook his head. "I can't be in there. I can't."

He was sure that the sight of Luke on the gurney would haunt him for quite some time.


He turned around and he was so grateful to see Calum Hood at that moment, so much so that he became overwhelmed with the stress and terror of seeing Luke that way, and began to tear up as he met up with the younger pediatrician.


"Ashy? Hey, hey, what's wrong? Is everything alright?"

Ashton shook his head and allowed the couple of tears that had been building up to escape. He put his head down and buried his head into Cal's shoulder.

"Ash? Hey, bud, what's going on? Talk to me."

The older trauma surgeon picked up his head and looked back at the still chaotic trauma room, then back to Calum. "It's Luke.. he's hurt, Cal, and it's bad."

"What?! What do you mean he's hurt? We just saw him not too long ago. He should be fine."

Ashton opened his mouth to respond and explain what happened, but then he heard the words he wished to never hear over the hospital's intercom.

Code blue.
Trauma Room 2

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