Realization x and x shock

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Gon's POV:

He... has the Hanahaki disease? I've heard of it, people usually die within 8 months... but he had it for two years-? How.. the hell did he live so long- well, maybe it’s because he's immune to all poisons, maybe that delayed it since it's a liquid within the lungs that gave life to a seed which roots in the lungs... I had to do a research about it when I had to catch up with school, one night cramming with health class I've read about it. It takes a lot of people's lives, with one-sided crushes or unfortunate tragedies. But... that won't happen to Killua, right-? It can't... he's my best friend, he can't die. He won't. I'm sure. Nobody else will die.

"Gon? Gon are you ok-..?" Alluka placed a hand on my shoulder, breaking me out of my mind. I flash her a smile, "Yeah, yeah I'm fine." She nodded and looked towards the couch, "So... are you going to visit him? Not for me, for him." I nodded again and looked there too. Violet caught our stares and raised an eyebrow with a cautious chuckle, "Am I that pretty that I'm the best view in the house-?" I gave her a small smile, "Hey Vivi, I'm going to visit Killu, ok?" She tensed up and frowned bitterly, "The hell-? After he tried to-" "I'll be back by morning. I promise." I inturpted her, even though I'm sure she wouldn't lie to me, I don't want her to talk bad about my best friend. "What-? Your leaving me for that child? He's always in the way! He can't even do anything right! I can afford my own apartment, why do we have to live with him! He's just a burden!" I clenched my fists tightly and bit the side of my cheek not to lash out. He is everything to me, don't bash him behind his back.

I simply turned my back to Violet and exhaled deeply, though my fists still slightly trembled, "... Love you Violet" I said quiet, saying her name, which I rarely ever do. I always use nicknames for people I love, if you wonder. Alluka gently put her hand on my back and I slightly flinched, "Hey... hey are you good..?" She whispered concerningly close to my left ear so Violet doesn't hear. I give her a forced smile, "It's fine let's see Killu!" I cheered, shoving the dread down deep within myself. It's fine. Everything is fine. Alluka sighs from behind me and we walk in a dead silence out of the apartment, and I paused at the stairs, feeling a deja vu and I shivered. "You ok?" Asked Alluka and I nodded, "Yep!.." After a while I drive us to the hospital, and I sit parked in the parking lot, hand frozen on the brake staring at the hospital. My hand tensed, clenching onto the leather tightly. It's been so long being in a hospital.

Alluka sighed and got out of the car, opening my door for me, "Come on. If your so 'fine' then don't be such a baby." I inhaled deeply and ungripped the knob, taking off my seat belt and stood up out of the car, stumbling because my body felt suddenly heavy and my balance suddenly was thrown off. Alluka caught me, "Woah- you all iut of sorts huh? Your not even the one who fell down a whole flight of stairs-" she tried to joke and I hesitantly chuckled at that, "Yeah, yeah... funny.." I put my hand on my car to hold me up as I look at the tall hospital. It's different but... I shake it off, and continue to walk past the car and we headed into the building. The smell of hand sanitizer assaulted my nose and I clenched it with a whine, god I hate to be smell sensitive in a place such like this-.. I rubbed my nose and Alluka spoke for me.

"We are here for Killua Zoldyck!" She smiled, and the nurse typed on the computer placed infront of her in a monotonous fashion, then without even such as looking away from the screen she recited what she asked all other visitors, "Who are you to the patient?" Alluka smiled, "I'm his sister and he is his friend." "Best friend" I correct her, then clutch my nose again, god this place stinks- thats it I'm holding my breath. I take a deep inhale and hold it in as the nurse prints out two visitors stickers and hands it to us, I stick mine on my shirt near my right peck and we start to walk towards his room, since Alluka already knows where it is. The further we walked, the more nauseous I became, my guts growing sick and body weighing down heavier. I slumped against a wall, using my hand to push me across. God... what's into me..? My body should be used to this feeling, whatever it is... I felt it as well when I was walking with.... that thing.

Soon enough we made it to the room, and Alluka shoved her hand in my face, telling me to wait. I obeyed and stood there, putting my weight against the wall as I leaned on it. I took deep breaths in and out, I'm not the one hurting. He is. But then... why does it feel so bad?

Killua's POV:

I layed down silently on the paper covered bed, eyes glued on the ceiling. Where is my sister? It doesn't take that long to get food. I sit up suddenly and a deep throbbing stabbed into my lungs, and I groaned from the pain, clutching my chest. Is this what it's like to be asthmatic-? God, it doesn't feel good atleast... I inhaled lightly in and out, and heard a knock at the door. I tiredly tilted my head towards it, "Yes? Who is it" I called hoarsely, my throat still stinging from the cuts and sores. The door opens and my sister walks inside with a smile, "Hi big brother..." she said quietly, walking up to my bed and she held my left hand gently. I pulled a smile for her, "Hello my beautiful princess. Did you get so hungry you ate all the food on your way here?" I ask with a sore cough and she giggles, "No no, but... I did bring someone." I choked on air and went into a violent coughing fit, she pat my back as I coughed out mucus and this strange white liquid onto my hands. As I catch my breath I wipe it off onto my gown and look at Alluka with fearful eyes, "... A-alluka-... you didn't.... d-did you..?" I ask tenderly, and she frowned.

Quietly someone else walked into the room, and he smiled nervously, holding onto the doorframe for some reason, and my heart almost stopped. "... Hey..! How... how are you doing..?" He asked quietly, and my eyes widened, "... G-gon..? Why... why are you here, I... thought... you didn't care..?"

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