Look x into x my x eyes

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Killua's POV:

I blushed slightly as my right hand was being held by Gon, I felt so nervous holding him, like it was illegal or something, like if im caught I'll be thrown in jail. As we arrived to a well known sushi buffet with 5 stars on that we looked up on Huntermedia. Alluka squealed in excitement and was practically bouncing up and down, "I'm going on ahead! You're so slow!" She whined and I laughed, "Yeah go ahead! I gave you some of my Jenny, right princess?" I call after her and she furiously nods, earning a loving chuckle from me as she dissapears into the doors and Gon squeezes my hand tightly for a second and stops us right near the front of the building. He faced me and held both my hands in his. "Hm? What's up?" I ask him, and he just admires me for a minute then breaks the silence, "nothing! Let's go in!" He chirped as he pulled me by my left hand into the place as we find Alluka in the line near the front. She scoffs, "Finally! Do you understand how much Nanika just wants to have some sushi?? She'll perish if she doesn't have any!" I smiled and poked her cheek, "I thought Nanika liked strawberries while you liked sushi?"

She whined, "Finnneee! I'm hungry!" I smiled and pat her head, "Uhuh. My throat feels mostly fine now, so I should be good to eat." She giggled, "Yeah- don't want you to starve!" Then the waitress approaches us, "Hi! Table for three?" "Yeah, oh and can we get Hunter treatment?" I asked and she replied, "Id?" I pull it out of my wallet and show her, to which she smiles, "Alright!" she showed us up to a high-table near the corner of the restraunt for the most important guests. I pulled out the chair next to me for Alluka and she sits down, "Thank you big brother!" I smile and sit next to her, and out the corner of my eye I saw Gon pout slightly but that quickly faded as he sat across from us and happily opens the menu. Did he want to sit next to me?

"So, princess, what catches your eye? And does Nanika want something only for her?" I ask my sister, and she thinks for a second. "Nanika wants a strawberry sushi roll! And hmm... I... want... oh- a Firecracker roll!" She hummed, staring adoringly at the menu, and I look at Gon, "You?" I ask and he thinks deeply, and soon enough its been a few minutes and I basically saw the steam going out his ears. I chuckled, "Want to split something with me?" I offer and he exhales and smiles, "Yeah! Thank you Killu!" I blushed slightly and looked at the menu silently, "... Your welcome." Alluka chuckled smugly and nudged my shoulder to which I glared at her, 'its not like that!' I whispered to her through the cracks of my teeth and she rolls her eyes playfully. Gon chuckled along like he got the got, "hehehe... what are we talking about..?"

I sigh and wave my hand back and forth, "Nothing nothing, just Alluka being a little butt-" "Hey!" She whined but giggled since she knew I'd never actually mean that. Soon the waitress came by, "what would you like?" I smiled, "Well I'll have a dragon roll and a sashimi platter, my sister would like strawberry sushi and a Firecracker roll." "And for the other young gentleman?" "Oh I'm sharing with him!" Gon chirped and the waitress nodded, "Oh, are you two dating?" I froze. "No, we are just best friends! I have a girlfriend" Gon chuckled rubbing the back of his head. I frowned slightly then the lady nodded and walked off with the orders. My stomach started to tense up as my lungs itched, wait- I can't start now, it would re-open my throat wounds-! I gulped and hopped off the chair, "I have to go to the bathroom-.." I announced and nervously speed ran past families and couples dining together and run inside the boy's bathroom, catching my breath. As I calmed down, I checked if there was anyone here, and no. I sighed heavily, making my way to the stall in the corner, the biggest one.

I'm such an idiot. To think I might slightly have a chance with him... God. I curl up onto the seat and pull my legs to my chest as I bury my face in my knees with my arms around. I slightly started to sniffle, and started to cry silently to myself. Why am I crying? Is it because I'm going to die? Or is it because I might drop down dead at any time this week? ... my head hurts. I sniffled and used my sleeve to wipe away the tears from my now pink eyes. ... Why is it whenever I cry he never see's it? Or should I ask why I always run away..? I'm a coward, a coward. I can't tell him. He loves her. I have no chance. My eyes blankly stared at the small checkered tile under the toilet and door, and I heard the door of the bathroom open and lightly jumped. "Killua-? You ok?" I heard a voice ask, and damn it it's Gon. I just bury my face in my knees and not respond. I wish he would go away, I need time to myself.

Gon's POV:

I know he's in here-... Nobody normal would be able to notice him unless they used nen, but well.... because of a certain thing that happened, I'm currently how I started before I became a hunter. But still, I can smell him in here- which is how I knew for sure he was in fact in here. "Killua I'm not dumb. Come on what's wrong." I sigh, crossing my arms. Silence. "I'm not leaving." I announced, and decided I've had enough and began to walk towards the back of the stall, and took a quick sniff. This place honestly doesn't smell bad, it smells.. like lavender? Odd for a bathroom but oh well. I could smell his scent in the big one and I sighed. Of course he would. When he slept over at my house he made me sleep on the damn futon while he stole my bed. He likes big spaces.

"Killuaaaaa-" I whine, knocking on his door. There was a quiet shuffle inside and I sighed, "Do you really want to be alone that bad?" I asked, no response. Guess that's a yes. I turned around on my heel and headed for the door out when I heard a voice, "W-wait! Gon, don't... don't leave.." I look behind me and he had opened the stall door and meekly peeked out his head and a hand holding onto the doorframe. I smiled until I saw his eyes were pink and I approached him, "Killua?" I asked concerned, holding his face in my hands. He sniffled slightly and looked away, slightly turning his head. ".... You've never seen me cry, huh..?" He chuckled darkly and I rubbed away his tears with my thumbs, ".... Killu..." I say softer, pressing my forehead against his and closed my eyes, "... What's wrong?" He froze and grabbed my wrists with his hands and pulled them over his shoulders placing them there, our lips centimeters apart and he was looking me in my eyes, "I... have something to tell you Gon."

"Something I've been meaning to for a... long time."

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