Admiring x and x discharge

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Killua's POV:

... what-

".... H-huh?" I ask him with an awkward chuckle and glance over at Alluka and gon turned his head around to follow my gaze at her. 'You outed me didn't you, traitor' I tried to telepathically say to Alluka with my eyes and she gulped. My attention snapped back to Gon as he giggled to himself, "I was honestly surprised when Alluka told me, but.... can't say it wasn't possible." I cleared my throat and pushed him away from me, making him sit in the middle of the bed between my legs, "... If you tell anyone I'll kill you" I huff at him, and he chuckled, "Aw Killu, feisty as ever hm? I support you. I'm pansexual myself, I should mention. I won't judge!" He beamed still, and like always that smile brings one to my face. His hand was still on my cheek so I brush it off with a sigh and Alluka smirks then walks backwards out of the room, "alright then, ill let you two 'friends' settle this, hm?" She cooed as I shot my head towards her, "ALLUKA NOOO-" I whine with a raw whine and she giggles and closes the door. Gon tiled his head at the door, "Hm? Oh well."

With a tired sigh I lay down and rest on Gon's lap and he was surprised for a second but giggled and stroked my hair, "Awe- feeling a bit better huh?" He cooed to me as he leaned down and I was too tired to respond to I nodded sleepily. "Oh- your sleepy-" he smiled and kissed my head of fluffy hair. I was halfway asleep at this point and muttered to myself drowsily, earning a gentle hum from the boy.

Gon's POV:

Killu is so cute like this... this reminds me of the first week we hung out, we cuddled a lot and watched movies, all that good stuff. Then... I got distracted and got a girlfriend. He became distant after Vivi and I were dating in about a year... But, maybe him and I can bond still. I could feel his coldened breath on my thighs, chest slowly going up and down, sleeping like a little angel. I stared at him because if I looked at anything else I would start to feel sick, the only reason I'm here in such a place is for my best friend.

I gently leaned in, admiring his beautiful face, how could Violet say he would touch her? He respects people's boundaries and would dare, plus he doesn't like women. He doesn't like women. An idea popped into my head. I brushed away the hair from his face and I observed how there was a faint darkness under his eyes. The thing is... I know Violet is seeing another person. I heard her on a call with him a while ago, I... couldn't say anything. If I confront her, she'll leave me. And... I love her, I don't want her to leave me. But, since she is cheating on me... it's only fair if I do the same. I don't know if Killua likes me though. ... and I don't know if he wants that. I give him a hesitant kiss on the forehead and he shuffled in his sleep. Later.

Alluka taps me on the shoulder and I squeaked in surprise- HOW DID SHE SNEAK UP ON ME WITHOUT ZETSU- I caught my breath and she just smugly smiled, "Hehehe... I saw that~" she smiled and I blushed a bit, "You did-?? Well-" I look down at killua sleeping heavily. "... he's beautiful." She smugly laughed, "Yeah- and thats why you oh so lovingly kissed his forehead~" she teased and I whined, "Oh come on Allukkaaa he's sleeping!" She giggled. "See? You do love him" she commented as she poked my cheek. I froze, then smiled, "Yeah, I love Killua bunches! He's like family to me, him and I have been through so much together, he's... like my brother." I reply, petting his head. Alluka sighed, "... Guess you are an idiot aren't you?" I frowned, "Alluka- not nice!" She rolled her eyes, "... No no, dude... God your so dense.... whatever." She sighed, resting her feet on the bed and leaned back in the chair nonchalantly. I pouted, "Allukkkaaa-! What do you mean!"

"I shouldn't be the one to bring it up. I'm not outing him anymore, ask him" she hummed. I was about to complain but Killua stirred and started to open his eyes. "Oh- hi there Killu, did we wake you?" I chuckle awkwardly and he hmphed sleepily and sat up. I frowned because he was off my lap, but instead he hugged on my arm and curled up next to me, head resting on my chest. ".... aww-" Alluka cooed and I smiled, "Come on, let's see if we can get you discharged." I say quietly and slightly nudge him with my free arm. He mumbled, "... don't wanna... want cuddles..." his eyes fluttered a bit as he yawned, his throat sounded atleast slightly better, like its healing. We heal fast, I think to myself. "Come on Killu, I'll carry you, how's that?" I offer with a smile and he nodded. I looked over to ask Alluka something but she already was in the doorframe, "Already on it!" She cooed and I was left petting Killua's head, playing with his hair with my hand as I hummed.

Then, a question arrived in my mind, "Oh- hey Killu..?" I hum quietly and he gives a simple 'hm' as he lifted his head up slightly with his eyes still closed. "Can I ask a question?" I asked him, and he nodded slowly. I stopped playing with his hair and used my finger to pull his chin up so he looked at me, and he opened his sapphire eyes to glance into mine. "Who are you in love with?" I ask plainly and he shot up, now wide awake and sitting up, "I-... w-what-?" He stuttered. I just chuckled, "Well- you have Hanahaki disease right? That means your in love with someone! Come on tell me I'm curious!" He gulped down and looked away flushed, "Idiot! As if I would tell you!" I pouted, "Killua please! I wanna know!" He pressed his right pointer finger against my lips, "Shush! Shut it! No more words!" He hushed me and I huffed.

"... I'll tell you by the end of the week... ok? Just don't nag me or else you'll never hear-!" He sighed and I smiled and grabbed his hand, "yay! Thank you Killu!" I giggled and unfolded his hand, pressing a kiss into his palm. He squeaked and quickly drew it back, "G-gon!" He exclaimed and I just giggled, "Your adorable you know?" I comment and he mumbled under his breath flustered. Alluka barged through the door, "He's able to leave!" I smile and get up, stretching, "Good! Come on Killu!" I offer my hand to him and he pauses for a second, then smiles and takes my hand and I lead him steady up but he accidently falls into me and I catch him, "Ah- falling for me, hm?" I joke, learned that one from Leorio. He didn't yell at me, he actually chuckled and I smiled at him. Alluka giggled, "Come on let's go! Can we go to a diner! Please big brother?" She cheered and he nodded with a bright smile. It warmed my heart, slightly making my chest feel warm. Huh.

I take his hand and Alluka takes his other and we walk him out of the hospital after checking out. I missed him, I missed this... maybe this time I won't be left behind.

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