Morally x gray

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I know whats going on in your head, "hospitals aren't that bad! One of your friends is literally a doctor! Your being overdramatic!"

Maybe I am being overdramatic, it feels real to me though. I took a long, heavy breath like taking a hit from a vape and began to walk to the room I was told that Killua and Alluka were in. I think she said room number-... number.... uh... I sighed. "And now of all times I forget-!?" I complained to myself and just kept walking forward, improvising now. I walked past a few empty rooms before luckily coming across a couple closed doors, 18 and 21. I squint at the doors and decide to knock on them both at the same time to see what would happen. Great idea, right?

I get ready to knock on both doors and the one on my right opens and Killua was in the doorway and we both froze. Oh. No need to knock I guess. I backed up a bit and didn't really know what to say. He didn't do much to help either, just looking at me silently and leaving out to where I came from. Did he ignore me? Why? What did I do to him? I just let out a breathy sigh and peeked inside the room, and saw Alluka seemingly asleep on the medical bed with a light blanket put on her presumably from Killua being worried about her. I don't blame him, Violet did something to Alluka and.. and something is wrong with Alluka. I approached her silently and just looked at her paler than normal skin, and she seemed weak and fragile. ... How could Violet do this? How did she do this?

Whatever, I can't do anything anyways. I'm helpless. If I only had my nen back... I could help Alluka. Somehow. Or atleast help Killua find Violet. But no, my nen is blocked just like I started out as. I pulled up a chair and sat beside the bed, just looking at Alluka blankly. She doesn't deserve this. She tried to help. I teeth gritted. She was innocent. And Violet hurt her. I gently caressed her cheek with the back of my hand and she felt way warmer than a person should feel like. Her skin near her head turned a slight blue as if her hair was giving her frostbite and her body was trying to starve off the frost. God I feel so guilty. I wish the three of us just traveled together sooner. Then none of this would happen.

My internal thoughts were disrupted with a chair being pulled beside me and Killua sat down, having gotten some soup in a thermos. I just stared at him solemly as he only looked at his sister, he looked just broken. He can't see his sister suffer, can he? I never had a sibling, so I don't know the love he has for her. The only thing I can compare it to is my love for aunt Mito. Even then, Killua and Alluka are so... close. He would be absolutely devastated if something happened to her at all.

Killua's POV:

I gently took my baby sister's hand in mine, her hand is so cold. My body felt heavy as hell, I can't even speak. No. No not again. No. I can't. I fucking can't. Not HER. I want to cry, but I can't. Nothing with come. Why does it feel my whole body is trying to prevent myself from doing anything? I can't move. She is so cold. My poor baby sister. My sister. She hurt my sister. My grip on her hand increased, I'm going to fucking kill Violet.

Gon's POV:

An intense bloodlust filled the room, making me queasy and I covered my mouth. It was coming from Killua. Is- is he ok-?? My hand was involuntarily quaking as it rested on Killua's shoulder, "K-Killua- are- you.. good?" I asked, unsure of what to say. He shot a venomous glare towards me but said nothing. His eyes were dark and empty, filled only with a deep pure dark bloodlust that leaked even out of the building, causing a few nurses and staff to gather in fear and curiosity near the door.

I saw his grip on Alluka's hand and I yelped, "Hey! You're going to hurt her!" I said in alarm as I gripped his hand off hers and made sure she was ok. He didn't respond. A heavy silence filled the room. A thicker atmosphere then my skull kept either of us from talking. As if some unspoken rule would be invoked. Then he stood up and the bloodlust dialed down only slightly, "... I'm going to kill her" he said emotionlessly and I shot up, "H-hey you can't-! Killua! N-no Killua I love her!" I begged him, grabbing his arm.

".... Then stop me" he said darkly as he stared into my eyes and my whole body froze, paralyzed from his projected bloodlust in my direction. He yanked his arm from my shaking grasp and walked towards the door, all the staff yelped and scurried away from the door as Killua walked past and even a few minutes later I could still feel his bloodlust as he left the hospital. Then I couldn't tell where he was, as if he turned off his bloodlust and even his aura, and disappeared. It took me a second to even realize what happened and I fell to my knees. He.. he won't kill Violet... r-right? He can't. My best friend wouldn't. Right? I'd never forgive him.

I still felt paralyzed from what he said. How could I stop him? I have no nen anymore. I'm useless. Useless.

Killua's POV:

I'll kill her,

She won't live past this day.

I promised I'd never do this,

But she left me no other choice.

Mess with my sister and you will long for the sweet release of death

Now I noticed she was able to teleport or atleast go invisible. In that situation, it was not smart to leave Gon in the apartment alone, for she could have killed him. That's not my problem now, He will protect Alluka with his life and I'll even sacrifice mine for her. Alluka is second to nobody. Gon is my number one in different ways but overall I'd choose Alluka over him. I know he'll hate me of I kill Violet, must suck for him.

I'll bathe the walls in her blood and heal my baby sister, no matter the casualties

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