White x Hyacinth

691 21 90

Where do I start?

The apartment.

I can't use Godspeed because one I didn't have a reason to charge and two, I don't want her to get alarmed if she see's me or has people out looking, after all she is a one star hunter, any star at all means they would be very hard to catch.

This honestly feels like one of the assassination missions I was forced into when I was a child, but I'm more then fine if this is the last time I kiss someone like that. I'm not going to live past a week anyways. Gon doesn't love me and I don't give a damn.

Besides all of that, I traveled from small crowd to small crowd with my hood on and made it to the apartment, walking in and looking around. I need something with her scent. I walk into the bedroom and look threw her drawer, then a heard the sound of a gun loading and I immediately turned around to see Violet with her stupid fucking gun all up in my face but not in grabbing distance.

"Hm hello there Zoldyck. Couldn't have enough of me hm?" She said as she kept the gun pointed at my chest exactly where my heart is. Her hand is so steady my smallest movements were already accounted for and her hand automatically adjusted the aim for the slight movement.

I had to literally bite my cheek to keep myself from going awol on her ass. ".. Violet. I'm not going to make haste, what nen did you use on my sister and how do you remove it? It will be removed." I said darkly, putting down my hood I had on for disguise.

"Why would I do that? Then you'd not be suffering. And now, for stealing Gon from me, I'll make you suffer a slow death and maybe even fuck you just to be spiteful" she smirked and I broke skin on my cheek. "You? Kill me? I doubt that, hisoka 2.0." I rolled my eyes and went through around 20 plans in my head to disarm her and immobilize but not kill her, not yet.

"So where you here the whole time? I assumed you were invisible due to the fact a person like you would want pity revenge." I said quietly, on the outside keeping my composure but inside I was about to snap her fucking neck. "Oh, lucky guess, hm?" She rolled her eyes and I shrugged, "I've seen a case of it before in a similar sense, when I was 12 I met a person who I thought could teleport but he infact used a clone to seem like he was." I explained needlessly. She's going to die anyways.

"I figured you were too weak to teleport anyways" I added on with a more bitter tone. She slanted her eyes and stuck her gun right under my chin and pressed me to the counter, "Your snarky for a kid pretending he's an adult already, you know that right?"

"And your pretty dumb for a whore pretending to she actually has me in a corner" I replied as not a moment later I used my arm to chop her arm down and sweep her legs, stealing her gun as I step on her neck. "Don't worry, your not going to die yet, bitch" I said darkly as I absolutely crush the gun like a soda can and step on her neck some more, the bloodlust I've been holding back now spread and oozed in every crack and crevice in this room.

"Now, tell me how to heal my sister" I commanded and she seemed to calculate her next move and smiled fearlessly, "she needs to have her head shaved under 12 hours, the nen I used was activated when I touched her hair, I infused nen into her hair roots so then it would slowly freeze her body from her scalp down, killing her."

"Thanks. Now please wait here" I said with a smile as I crush her throat in with my foot, and broke her legs and arms while I'm at it so she can't walk off. Even if she leaves ill be able to find her, because she is critically injured. I start to walk off before I heard a sudden shot.

I dodged the shot of the bullet as soon as I could but the bullet followed me and I couldn't help it when it buried into my arm which I was blocking with, and I let out a grunt of pain as I spit it a little blood just from the bullet colliding with my arm. My body feels like it's suddenly slower and I turn to look over at Violet.

She had the same apparent gun in her hand which I crushed earlier. Wait, was it a nen weapon? I was so blinded by bloodlust I didn't consider that. I started to step out of the room, walking towards the door with staggered steps. I feel something tear out of my skin and I yelp out as I look at my arm and a white flower bud starts to sprout. I let out a groan and tried to rip out the flower but it was implanted in my arm and wouldn't budge at all.

I decided I needed to go to Alluka at all costs so I started to walk towards the door, my vision growing blurry and my movements staggering, my breath quickening as my body started to shut down. No you will fucking move, you STUPID BODY-

I managed in one step, then another, and another, each step growing harder and harder to do. I gritted my teeth painfully as I try and step closer and closer to the front door.

As my vision fails, I could see the flower bud on my shoulder starting to bloom into a white Hyacinth which was almost fully bloomed as I loose control of my body and collapse onto the floor.

... Alluka.. Gon... I love you guys.. I... failed you...

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